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Mark Cooper

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Anybody have a walleye fishing report they wanna share? I have been doing some slow trolling with bottom bouncer on Cole camp creek and just outside of the creek. Going a mile up and down stream. No luck at all..
  2. Anybody fish Buffalo creek and how far up it can you get?
  3. Well that is all some good info. That weather permitting may just give all a try in the next weekend or two.. Thanks guys..
  4. We live in the now Meth break in capitol of the creek... Lake Honey Bear.. Love being right on the water but gotta watch things like a hawk...
  5. Alright guys when,where and how to catch walleye on Lake ozarks. I live up Cole Camp creek and have heard of alot of people catching them but have know idea how to target them in my area.
  6. Definitely caught a good share of whites and Hybrids this year and even catfish. Really wanting to try something different and like was said love the taste of them..
  7. I agree there probably are alot better places to fish for them.. However I live on the water and just gotta try it..
  8. Live near the 77 mile marker really need the where and how to on catching Walleye.. Love to troll fish.
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