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Everything posted by flyingeagle

  1. Captain I know how he feels, I have had fishing days like that!!
  2. You just got to watch this video, from Bill Dance!! http://www.break.com/index/billdance.html
  3. Al I will have to take back water about the Serria Club. I just read that they were against the sell off. What I was getting at, That land will be lost for public use. For the most part, I can't see housing developers buy the land. Jobs, schools, towns, malls, is too far away. Your are right it will take big money to buy the land.
  4. Brian some of my family owned farms along the Current and lost in court battles, but Alton Box Co. won, of course now it belongs to MDC. But like You said Alton Box Co. had a lot more money to spend.
  5. A few things bothers me about MTF sale off. About 70 plus years ago the government thought that we need to keep some land the way it was and keep it for future gen. They bought huge tracts of land and took it off the tax rolls. It change forever the way of living in these areas. No hope to build communities, bring in companies etc. The people that stayed, started small saw mills, pole yards, stave yards, etc. They make their living from the forest. The public lands bought people to them to hunt, which the area people benefited. Now more than ever public hunting is the only way some hunters could afford this sport. But, now the feds want to change again. The one s that have the saw mills. pole and stave yards, may be forced out of business. I bet the ones that buy the lands will be large companies, Serria Club, the bottom line is I think that there will be purple paint and gates put up. O' it will be on the tax rolls again but at what cost. Will the schools gain or lose. Just a few thoughts of mine.
  6. Wayne the rivers and water supply in my area is almost at all time lows. Maramec springs low output, Montauk may have to drill wells or cut back on trout raising, Roaring Rivers I have heard is using one raceway. We need H2O plain and simple. Wolfs, Bears, and Elk, of the three, Bears has come back to SW Mo. on their own. But on any species reintroduction, Man will always determine its' outcome.
  7. Relish, I hope that I don't sound mean but, the waters (streams/rivers) of Missouri that are navigable can be used by the people of the State. Now I along with everyone else pays the 1/8 of 1%. And I hope that MDC will put access point on all floatable waterways. Now two thing need to happen --- First Get in contract with the Agent in the area about the Otter problem. He should know of some good trappers that will reduce, but not destory the Otters. Second Have Him to get in touch with the MDC fisheries biologist. He can take a survey of the rivers (shocking). Then They can set plans to restore. Also if this is an area of great concern, get involved, ask the Agent what YOU can do to help, with Your time. OH BY THE WAY------- Some local landowners don't believe in the Judges' ruling about floatable waters. Don't get into a gun fight when You only got a fishing pole!! If a landowner tries to run You off while floating leave. Go to the local Law enforcement and report it.
  8. I was just wondering-----how many people do you know or have heard, that they have noodled??
  9. River or lake --- spring or fall we will try to wet the waters.
  10. Flyingeagle: Once again you make a lot of sence. I have a question. If an animal or fish is introduced in an area where it is not necessiarly native what would the outcome be? gonefishin Gone Fishing You know if a species was suppose to be, it would. I love trout, in trout Parks, Mont. Wy.. They eat the same food as native. If MDC wants to stock fish-----------stock native fish. Just look at the M F Rose Bush, or the Asian Lady Bug. It has taken millions of years for nature to place all it's own. When man crosses the line is when he finds himself stuck up to his neck in stinkly turds. But back to Your question, what would the out come be, well a weak species would die out, but with out any predators, they usually become uncontrolable. And they take over their habitat.
  11. What MDC didn't realize was how fast they would reproduce. They reproduced about 4 times faster in Missouri after re-introduction than what the literature said was normal. Should MDC have known this beforehand? Maybe. As I said before, it could have been expected from an animal moving into a vacant ecological niche. But I have always been amazed that at the time re-introduction started, you would have been hard pressed to find ANYBODY against re-introducing them. But once the problems appeared, everybody was all over MDC saying what a bad idea it was. Hindsight is always 20/20. Al --- You're right MDC didn't know the Otter's reproductive rate here, also in the study the otters had competition. Their litters was about 2-3 small ones. In Mo. without that competition there has been reported litters or 6 - 8 raised!! The Piney river, the fisheries is almost gone. In the same areas the mink is almost gone also. I'm not saying that otters did it all but????? Hey MDC tried to introduce the Otters and succeeded. Now They need to crontrol the Otters. I wish I had the success rate ( deer, turkeys & Otters) MDC has had, with my MONEY!
  12. There is a darn few things in this world that I'm scared of. But putting my hand back into a hole reaching for some unknown it, is one!! My grandpa was a small man about 5'2" 120 lbs. Once on the St. Fran., He put his hand back into a hole and a large cat closed his mouth around GP's arm. Pulled him under, His brother helped to to the bank, I remember GP's arm, looked like two cats tried to mate on it. That and large snappers, If I can't hook it or shoot it, I'll let it be. If some one wants to do that, let them be!! Better man then me.
  13. Hello rollcaster Welcome, next time your at Bennett, say hi to Mike or at Roaring Rivers look up Jerry. Both are good managers. A lot of things happen at those parks. FS
  14. Hey RiverRat Good to hear from a neighbor. Used to go down to Morlands' Retreat/ access, Bell's Chute. Looks like the water is really down. Maybe I need to get the boat out. Take care. FS
  15. OK since my sides are hurting now from laughing, here one of my tales. About 30 years ago, my cousin Dan, and I went wade fishing on the upper Maramec. Catch and release like crazy. We were on a bank of about 10 ft. and the land owners cattle had made trails to the water. I had just hooked a nice smallmouth and taken a couple of steps to have a clear lane when the footing gave out. Down twisting fall, down the bank feet first into the water. Dan couldn't help himself laughing at me while I coughed, trying to find myself and my equipment. His famous reply was ( I don't think I will get down that way). One step later oh my God He was falling too, but head first into the water. He had mud pack into every thing He had. To this day when ever we get together we laugh about that day.
  16. Just like everyone else, MDC had no idea that the cute furrie little playful anmial is one killing machine. Their playful nature is that the other animals doesn't know how to play. With no animal to control them all they have to do is eat and play. They hunt and kill, look around where they have been, dead fish, crawdads, etc. All uneaten. A cat doesn't hold up to them. Now at least MDC will let trappers legally trap them. Maybe with controled numbers-- all can live. FS
  17. gonefishing Just like anything in life, some people will take more then their share. I have a 16x48 with a 40 hp jet. I'm not the fastest board on the water. This is not my wish. I go one trip up stream and float back to the ramp. Just like Al said why make multi trips up and down the water. But also on canoes (I own one) I have seen a river full get out of the canoes and stomp every inch of the bottom. What happened to float to see nature or the swim in pools? Just like the 2 lanes ozark hiways the rivers are too crowded. Al -- if I want to do some fishing and some pleasure riding, I take the nitro out to one of the lakes. But there is nothing on earth, ( other then having the grandkids with me ) then just floating down one our ozark streams. Seeing Nature at every bend. Deer, turkeys, small animals, fish, all a person has to do is blend in. gonefishing most time I go by myself (the son grew up and moved) and I have an extra seat in my boat.
  18. I have fished the waters of sw mo. for over 45 years also gigged for 40 years, a lot of things are hurting fishing, but I doubt that gigging is among them. First of all, let's look at Us, the fishermen, I have seen many fish that's under size taken. Also live bait used, then the fish guts ripped out gettting the hook out. The fish you see floating is from the fishing boats in front of You. Yes, maybe one gets gigged, but most giggers don't want game fish when there is suckers to eat on the bank. Water conditions, Low water, trash thrown in, unwanted fishing line left in the water. Canoes, Canoes, canoes, floating the streams, jet boat (I have one) running up and down, up and down, disturbing the nests. Gravel removal and removal of the forest matte border. The introduction of non-native fish in the streams. The balance has turned to trout, and has left smallmouth behind. There's more problems then this, but this one is easy for the game fisherman to yell about.
  19. The Ozark Streams has had heavy pressure. Jet boats has made the river accessable. Then people taking fish that should be released unharmed. Otters are a fishing killing machine a lot like a cat that kills for fun. Reports around Houston area of them killing all the fish in a hole. But giving time the fisheries will come back. Heck I don't fish to eat, I file the barb, release the fish unharmed. Maybe some day the grandson will catch a record, take a picture and release.
  20. The Maramec 20 - 30 years ago---Short Bend, Westco, Dents Ford, Medley Ford, I waded/floated and caught more smallies, goggle eyes then any other river in the state. Orange and black rooster tail, ulta light and 4 lb line. No better fun around. Too much gravel hauling for a few years, fish has started to come back caught a few (smallies) 17" to 21" turned them back to catch again some day. Goggle eyes too are making a come back.
  21. MTL here I come. Just checked out my boat. It's ready!! My daughter and grandkids live in Hannibal. So it's just a short drive to the lake. Clearwater in south mo. is another lake that I hit along with Wappapella (sp). My Son lives in Southern end of the State. At home I take the jet out to the rivers around home. The trout parks will soon be open. Life is good.
  22. Admin The forum says that Maramec Spring is operated by DNR. What I should have posted was that Maramec Springs is owned by the James Foundation, and the fisheries operated by MDC. It's a pay to fish just like the other trout parks. When I can't go anywhere else, I go to trout park. By the way--This is a great site. flyingeagle
  23. Just a note Maramec State Park is close to Sullivan, Mo. a DNR State Park, while Maramec Springs is close to St. James, Mo. Maramec Springs is owned by the James foundation, the Fishery is operated by MDC
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