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Everything posted by Fishfighter

  1. So what do you suggest? I could care less about topend or roaring up and down the river. I just want a boat that is strictly a fishing boat, hence the supreme river boat. Thanks.
  2. As far as jet, ive never been in one of these boats equipped with a jet. Only been in one with a 15hp prop and it operated very shallow. Im thinking the weight of a jet would offset any advantage. No?
  3. Short transom, actual measurement is 17inches.
  4. I've recently purchased a Supreme L48XP and I believe i want a Mercury 20 HP prop (same weight as 15 HP, 95lbs). Shallow water will inevitably be encountered where i fish. Big question- should i use a lightweight jack plate or not? It would add 20lbs to the transom but im not running an electric start outboard so theres 70 lbs saved considering no battery and starter, etc. I think it would allow me to fine tune the prop up as far as possible for shallow water. Thoughts?
  5. 20 footer it is then! Thats kind of the answer I thought.
  6. Regarding the fiberglass trout boats, most are 20 foot length but i keep seeing a few 16 footers. I know the longer ones were built for guides that have several people in the boat. If a person was just fishing with one other person is there a reason a 16 footer wouldn't work? Stability issues?
  7. I am thinking all the guides on white river run props on fiberglass river boats. Maybe i am wrong.
  8. I do see these Supremes, etc fiberglass river boats with jet outboards. I was just told stick with prop for fishing boat. I don't know, I never run a jet. But I have been in a supreme boat with a prop and went over some very rocky water just inches deep in the north fork river.
  9. So, it's time for a river boat. I am having a hard time deciding what to get. I really, really like the supreme, shawnee, topwater, etc river boats. Love them! The issue for me is i will fish rivers like current river, eleven point, spring and those type of rivers as much as I will white river or north fork. The thing is, I rarely see one of these "trout boats" on these other rivers which are shallow and rocky just like north fork and white river. Everyone runs the aluminum river boats it seems with oversized jet motors. This will be strictly a fishing boat, so I think the fiberglass boats will be quieter, cooler in hot weather, have better control, etc. I dont need to roar up and down the river like i am in a race. I envision a supreme or similar with a 9.9/15 horse prop with guard being for me. So, why don't we see these style boats more outside of the white river country? Am I missing something here?
  10. It would be a long drive for you, but in Northeast Arkansas, there is 10,000+ acres of state ground called Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake WMA. It is mostly bottomland timber surrounded by crop fields. Let me assure you, it is absolutely OVERRAN with Timber Rattlers. I am not kidding and thank God they are not aggressive. Always been this way.
  11. Come to think of it, I haven't bought one in over a year. Maybe I am over them for good. Daiwa does build excellent reels.
  12. Pflueger quality has went down big time in my opinion. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why but I have 3 that have been and continue to be good, but I've got a drawer full of the rough, binding, piece of craps too. One was binding up brand new out of the box and they made me pay shipping back to the factory and never reimbursed! Pitiful. Different models but all newer. One things for sure, if one binds and you are able to get it freed up and smooth again, it will ALWAYS bind again later. Could be later that day, could be a year. But it will happen. I always say I'm done buying pflueger but then I fall for it again hoping to get a great one. It's ashamed, they used to be great.
  13. Its so fast, I cant fish a spinnerbait, crankbait, swimbait, etc. I am serious here folks.
  14. Well I float this river in a kayak and it is a lot slower. Its weird because the kayak is narrow and generally fast so I assumed the canoe would be similar. I have not had it in a lower flow river and it may be perfect there.
  15. Looks like a sinkhole took a life/lives on the spring river. Bad deal. http://m.kait8.com/kait8/db/330534/content/rGItWJtK
  16. My new nova craft canoe is to fast. When floating a river, it is almost impossible to fish from. I bought a large draft chute to slow it down. It works, but still the boat is to fast. I'm thinking, if I put more weight in it, it will sit lower but still. Any ideas?
  17. Oh yeah, I love the color. And the finish is unbelievable. Of course I will have her scratched up in no time I'm sure.
  18. Here she is! Oxblood color. Dealer was Ozark Adventures in Springfield, MO. They were very good to deal with, highly recommended. I had to stop at this spot on the river on the way back and try her out. I didn't get much time in, but I really like it. It is quite fast and responsive. This is a great boat for me.
  19. Thanks for all the replies!! I have made my final decision. I'm ordering the nova craft fox 14 solo tommorrow! I can't wait.
  20. Weight is one reason. And responsiveness and efficiency should be better with the solo is what I'm thinking.
  21. The super nova is also higher so in thinking good for rough water but bad for windy days. We get alot of windy days...just saying
  22. Now I'm thinking of considering the nova craft supernova as well. Its also a solo, 14'10" with more rocker. It of coarse does weigh slightly more. Any thoughts on this one?
  23. Glad my thinking is on with this. The finish looks great on the nova craft.
  24. Other strong candidates are the wenonah wilderness or argosy. I also like the looks of the Bell Yellowstone solo. They still show this canoe in royalex. Not sure if its true or not.
  25. I am looking at solo canoes for the rivers here in the ozarks. Primary usage is fishing but I do a lot of upstream paddling and an efficient canoe is a must along with decent secondary stability. Weight must be kept close to 40lbs and length at least 14 feet. I currently paddle a perception pescador sport 12 kayak. It does really good and I can make good time traveling upriver and floating back but I think a solo canoe will be more comfortable and better for this usage. I am 6'4" and 230lbs but handle the kayak really good. Its only 28 inches wide and I'm not to big for it. I really, really like the looks of the nova craft fox 14 in tuff stuff material. Does anyone have an experience with these? Nova crafts material sounds like it may be superior to royalex even.
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