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Everything posted by Wickerdave

  1. When do the Stripers show up in the North end of the lake, I've been told they won't show up around the Starkey Marina area till around June, I was hoping for April. What do more experienced people than myself think.
  2. what do you think the best top water bait / plug / spinner would be for stripers on Beaver this month and next
  3. I understand it's really hard to obtain live shad in Arkansas now. Is there anywhere around Beaver lake that's allowed to sell live shad? Having just said that and then reading a few posts on other sites, I'm inclined to think I need a casting net and advice on where to find them!!
  4. Ha Ha Ha I grew up in Iowa Ok!
  5. Just settled into Bella Vista after our move from Oregon, will be fishing out of Starky Marina on the northern end of Beaver Lake starting next week. I have fished Norfork Lake up in Mountain Home several times in the past and I believe that April and October seem to be the best months for the 30Lb. plus fish on the lake. I'm wondering if that is the same down here on Beaver, and how about Walleyes, can't wait to bring home some of those tasty delights.
  6. We are moving from Oregon to Bella Vista AR in April and will probably keep my boat at Beaver Lake. My question is does anyone have any idea if the rigging for Salmon fishing would work for Stripers? Big Lazy Ike type plugs with big flashers, plugs wrapped with chunks of bait, big spinners, etc. I also have a bunch of Striper tackle from years past but I have a ton of Salmon tackle that I would like to keep. What do ya think.
  7. Hi, We are moving from Oregon to the Bella Vista / Rogers area next spring. I am excited to start fishing on Beaver Lake. I will need a covered slip to keep my 20ft. Alumaweld fishing boat in year round, can you recommend a good marina located close to the best fishing locations. Also, being born and raised in Iowa, I love Walleye fishing as well as Strippers, is there a walleye population in the lake? Any info will be greatly appreciated.
  8. I have an all aluminum west coast fishing boat so I won’t need a boat lift. Got one quote for a covered slip, annual rate @ $1320. Not bad, about half of what they are here in Oregon.
  9. Will be moving to the Bella Vista area soon and will be needing a slip for my 20' fishing boat. Would like to keep it on Beaver lake. Looking for suggestions and rates. Thanks so much.
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