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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. The sliders are "Charlie Brewer Sliders". They are what I use most of the time for Whites/Hybrids etc unless they are hitting top water. But I really enjoy jig fishing compared to lures. Here is a link to his site, he makes all kinds of them now. I use the 3 inch ones in assorted colors. https://www.sliderfishing.com/category.sc?categoryId=23 I'm a huge fan of pearl and chart for bother crappie and whites. Sometimes I will even tear off part of the body for whites if they are chasing shad.
  2. What’s best for them this time of year? Sliders? Top water? Caught 20 or so of them last year above the dam at Truman throwing sliders and reeling in literally as fast as you could. They were chasing shad so I guess they thought the speed of your reel was a shad swimming away haha
  3. I assume you were dipping trees then? Thinking about rigging this weekend. Will be my first time on the lake just trying to get an idea what will work.
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