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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Flow near Montauk is dropping by the hour and is currently at 260 cfs(vs median of 125 cfs). We won’t be fishing until tomorrow morning so I’m not sure what to expect as far as levels in 24 hours. 260 doesn’t seem high to me from a number standpoint but I haven’t fished the current enough to be able to put that into context. According to intel on this forum, 1,000 cfs is the high end of what guys want to fish further down the river towards Akers but I don’t see much info on what are more ideal levels near the park. What should we expect in regards to the quality of the fishing? For those of you who have fished the Current more than I have, do you feel safe wading in these conditions? What is max flow you feel safe wading?
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