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Everything posted by bronzelivesmatter

  1. Considering a float this weekend from Tunnel dam to the lake. What’s the fishing like? Hoping to catch some nice smallies and some fall largemouth moving up. Any and all advice or experience appreciated.
  2. Not sure how people were selected but I happened to be selected. I think the statewide length limit should be 18" simply due to the pressure from landowners, amish, tournament fisherman, your seasonal floaters that cast a line, out of state fisherman and the giggers its just simply too much for even the best of rivers in my opinion. I think lobbying for more catch and release only zones would be another area of concern. Certain conditions cause smallmouth to get stacked up at spillways so maybe having some catch and release only rules for smallmouth within lets say a mile of certain spillway would really do the population some good in a lot of rivers. I am curious about the number of fisherman who prefer catfishing vs the number of people who prefer specifically smallmouth fishing. I received a survey on catfishing not long ago.
  3. Interesting, we will definitely be more careful! Thank you. Any idea what the water temp is roughly?
  4. Planning to do some fishing on Friday. I've never been in the Cole camp arm or anywhere near that far up the Osage. Wanted to try it out though. I'm mainly there to target bass but if the crappie bite is better I could be easily persuaded that direction. My plan was to put the boat in a BuckNaked and run up to Cole camp arm. I plan to call them later today, but if there's a better boat ramp to use I'd like to know. Generally seeking any and all info
  5. A week of 55-65 degree weather throughout the night along with a recent rain brings them out it seems like. Look for dying groups of elm trees, they seem to produce good spots. I've also found that the growth of may-apples are a good sign the ground is warm enough to find them. I found over a hundred last year on public land in Jackson county so don't be afraid of walking lesser traveled trails either. Bring a mesh bag and pinch them off about an inch or so above ground. Beware of Big Red morels. They look similar but are usually much bigger. Some say you can eat them and others recommend you don't. Never tried them, so I would suggest some more reading if you find some. There's a Missouri Morel hunters page on facebook that's worth following if you want to track the growing trends. Good luck!
  6. How far were most of those smallmouth from swinging bridges? Tried to find some this winter but I'm afraid I wasn't far enough out in the lake.
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