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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by gonefishin

  1. That would be great. I plan to come over sometime. Would love to catch a big flat on fly rod. That would be a blast. Heck they catch Tarpon and Marlin on flyrod why not a 'bill. Seriously I would love to get into some white bass using fly rod.
  2. As usual the problem with this subject is extremeisim. On one end of the scale there are people who think they should be able to keep all the fish they can catch and on the other end there are the people who believe they have to police everyone on the water. PETA comes to mind here....just becasue they don't like to fish they think no one should fish and they are willing to do anything to make people conform to their belief. They want to make it so unpleasant that non-conformers quit fishing/hunting just to avoid them. The vast majority of people on the lake are rational. They understand this isn't an unlimited resource and it has to be managed properly. The problem starts when the firebreathers on either end of the scale start infringing with the rights of others to spend time in legal pursuit of our sport. The point is we aren't on the river/lake to police people or force our beliefs on them. We are there to enjoy the outdoors. We pay taxes and hire law enforcement to take care of those problems for us. Law enforcement know where the real problem spots are and when a game warden is called away from those trouble spots because some would be fish policeman thinks he might have seen someone who might have caught a fish that was maybe 1/2 inch to short/long then the game wardens time has been wasted becaue they aren't where they need to be and doing what they need to be doing. My advice to others would be to remember harassment while you are in legal pursuit of your sport is illegal. If it becomes to much of a problem; call the law on the person harassing you.
  3. Any idea where a guy can get these around Springfield? Bluegill/Redear are my favorite fish. Catching a big 'gill or Redear on a fly rod is awesome.
  4. I used to snagg for 'bills a lot in the Neosho. It appears rules have changed somewhat. When you mentioned checking them in at the convinence store--are you talking about in Kansas or in Oklahoma? I had never heard of such but I havent been snagging over that way for a lot of years. Apparently the fishing has gotten better since I have been there. The normal sized fish used to be in the 20 to 30 lb range with a 50 pounder being big... At least in Chetopa Miami was a different story. I havent been snagging for more than 10 years. I will have to see about giving it a try this spring. gonefishin
  5. If you havent gotten rid of it yet let me know. I will try to make you a deal on it.
  6. I know what you are talking about. I have been fishing for a lot of years and have been dealing with this attitude off and on for most of them. In fact I had to deal with it when I went fishing on Monday. I kept 4 legal keepers (10 to 12 inchers) and there was some guy there who kept harping to me about people who kept trout. His gripe was all about how those people who kept trout were ruining it for everyone else and how he never kept a trout no matter what size. This guy caught probably 25 to 30 fish while I was there and I guarantee, the way he handled them, he killed far more than half…some of them good-sized fish. I suppose there will always be some pompous, self-righteous people around who think their way is the 'only right way' and it is their place to police those of us who don’t do it the 'only right way.' The sad thing is a lot of these people are new comers. They are here because it is ‘Cool’ to trout fish because they seen a movie named A River Runs Through It or sum such. It is irritating to me because I have supported conservation my whole life. These newbie know it alls are there and able to catch a lot of fish because us people who don’t know anything have been supporting conversation a long while and our time and financial donations have made it possible for them to do so. Now they come along and try to make us feel bad if we keep an occasional fish. I wouldn’t worry about it as long as what you are doing is legal. I’ll get off my stump now.
  7. Hi Brian: I thought that Merry Christmas topic might get a few people to talking but, it didnt work out that way. Christmas was great and I got most of the things I wanted. Sandra Bullok didnt show up at my door but, what the hey a person can't have it all. Went fishing at Taney Monday. There were a lot of people out and about. I caught about 40 rainbows. Couldnt get the browns to bite. I would have loved to have been there today. The weather is great outside but one day at a time is usually about all I can handle. How bout you? Did you get all you wanted for Christmas? Bud
  8. Merry Christmas Everyone. I hope you and yours have a great one. Bud
  9. Hello all. My name is Bud and I'm a fisherman. I've been a fisherman ever since I can remember. I just can't seem to kick the habit. I fish with a fly rod, lures or bait and will fish for just about anything that swims. I used to fly fish a lot more than I do now days. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and so now I fly fish when I can but if its a bad day I will sit on the bank, or preferrably a dock in a lawn chair, and fish with a jig and bobber or bait. The point is I am a fisherman and nothing has been able to break the habit - apparently I am hooked for life. I have really enjoied reading the posts so far and hope I can add to the discussions. Drop me a line sometime. buds-f5@earthlink.net
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