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Everything posted by rollcast

  1. my dad and i are gonna head down on friday hopefully the weather stays nice!!
  2. you will probably have the stream to yourself, i think the word is out that ther are only 27 fish in the stream for C&R. they have all been caught and released about 6 dozen times by now. opening day was pretty successful for me but has been getting tougher by the day.
  3. went fishing today and had a great day. didnt catch any big ones but cought a ton of decent fish. the main concern is this; between my dad and i we have seen several people throwing illegal baits. the way i read it it is flies only, no soft plastic, scented or natural bait!!!! no rubber even on a single hook!!!! i told two guys today that they were fishing illegal cause they were throwing rubber worms but they plead they were legal cause it was on a single hook. and to top it off today when we were leaving the park at 4:30 a guy was still fishing after the whistle of course. this place is gettin out of control
  4. has anyone been down to meramec since the storms earlier in the week? is the water up and muddy?? i've heard on wednesday it was up to the sidewalk just wondering if that held any truth or not.
  5. yeah, i hope your right. i'll find out first hand this weekend. are you planning on fishing this weekend??
  6. my dad caught one that was probably about 3 1/2 lbs. and i caught a couple that were pushing 2 1/2 but i did'nt see any 4, 5, or 6 lbs lunkers. i dont know if im not looking hard enough but the big ones dont seem to be as thick as they were last c&r season.
  7. yeah i had a great day. fishing was great, weather was awesome and lucked out with the crowd. i would of thought a lot more people would of showed up.
  8. cool, i think im going to head down also on sat. hopefully it isnt too crowded. good luck to ya!!!
  9. saw a guy catch one last sunday. had a jiggin outfit with a white rooster tail and he dead sticked it on the bottom then slowly jigged it and then wham!!! he hit it. it was pretty neat to watch
  10. any body plan on fishig this weekend?
  11. weather was perfect fishing was great. caught a lot with griffiths nat size 14 and multi colored glo ball. a lot of quality fish and 1 that was 3lbs. But what i really want to know is why they insist on blowing millions of leaves into the hatchery, dont they know that leaves will float downstream. they did the same sh@t last week and it is probably the dumbest thing i have ever seen at meremac. just had to get that off my chest!!
  12. i am in usually take off work opening friday then i just go down on as many sat or sun as i can, cant wait to do some fly fishin
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