That is what we though But It Did Not, I hate these new junks as much as I hate he new trucks, give me a old out broad and a 1990 Ford 4x4 and I would be happy. lol Have A Great Day.
Hey FishinWrench, My Brother found the trouble, there was a broken wire in the harness, how the heck that happen God only knows, just wanted to let you know and Thank You for your time, be safe and Happy Hooking :-).
Hi, no the gas is not real fresh, I know that for sure, and the Throttle cam looks fine, I can change it, what the heck it`s only monet, lol not really, I am 74 retired with only S/S coming in and I live alone, I will go get new gas tomorrow and give that a try, Thank You so very much for your time, guy`s like you are heaven sent. 🙂
Hello Fishingwrench
Thank You for your reply, first off sorry, I did not mean carbs, lol stupid me, I just started saying everything on a engine, lol PK Yes I did have the plugs marked when I changed them, I also had the injectors done with a EMC Evinrude Softwear at a Evenrude dealer, he checked everything with the Evenrude softwear and everything came up perfect, first time I took it out it ran great, took it out a few days ago and it started quitting when I tried to speed up, it is making me want to sink it, LOL Thanks Again
I have a 40 HP E-Tec, it starts right up fine, and will idle, but when I put the power to it it quits, it will start right back up, and I can put it in gear and it will move along at idle speed, as soon as I give it more gas it stalls, but will start right back up, I have put everything new on it, injector`s, fuel pump, carbs, plugs, I have no idea what to try now, Thank You for your time.