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  1. When we were moving my daughter down there we drove out to I think Moonshine Beach by Chateau on the Lake, I drove down but it appeared to be a paid ramp and I didnt go all the way down to take a look but I think I know the one you are referring to. I assume that if by my self they have some tie up so I can put in and take out by myself. Not to sound to dumb but what do I look at above water for the gravel run outs?
  2. Thanks guys for all the suggestions, my real concern was where to stay that would let me drop my boat and trailer so I can use the truck when not fishing to do stuff with my daughter etc. The electric hookups is something I didn't really think about and not as much of a concern since I live in a small lake community and have my boat on the lake without electric hookups. I have electronics that charges all my batteries when the big engine is running, so amps are always going into the batteries, the more you run the more they are charged up so while they may not be 100% its usually good enough and with the bigger lake I assume I will be running some if at least to look around, lol. I do not have FFS, i have a pretty old Bird with side scan capability just with it being such a big lake wasn't sure where to start.
  3. I have a daughter that moved to Branson last fall and would like to take 2-3 day trips to visit but also try to get some fishing in. I'm located in the west of Saint Louis and just trying to figure out the logistics. I would like to take my boat but leave it trailer-ed where ever I am staying when not fishing and not sure how to find locations that allow you to do that. The second part would be information about ramps that are close to Branson, I have driving across the dam and seen a couple ramp locations but not sure if some are better than others etc. The last question would be where to fish in that area for small mouth. I've never caught a small mouth and that is what I would like to try to target. I have a fish and ski ranger that is set up more for fishing, not the biggest or fastest but I can ride up or down the lake some if it means I will have better opportunities. Just thought I would ask and get some advice, thinking of trying to get down and see her in april and once I figure things out more often. :)
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