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I'm planning a trip for when the Legislature ajourns in May. I'm going to take a week off, pack the four wheel drive sleigh, head south and try to catch some trouts. I want it to be road trip style and hit at least one good stream each day. I would like to leave J-town on Sunday night 5/20, and start on the Little Piney Monday morning and the Current on Tuesday. After that, I don't know. I need some input from you experts down that way. I would like to get a good days fishing in at each stop and have time to drive to the next in the evening so I'll be ready to fish the next morning. I would like to end up at Taney on Friday, or Saturday and then head for home. Other than that, I'm completely flexible in between. If you could point out some places and accesses to help me plan this road trip, I would greatly appreciate it. Kyle
I'm sure Britts is feeling the same way after his outings this weekend! I had about five "hot hands" in my vest. Pretty bad when those don't even help!
Try this http://www.missouritrouthunter.com/MeramecRiver.htm. This is how I found it the first time.
That was me. I was going to, but for some reason I didn't. She was pretty cold and didn't want to get too far away from the truck.
Pick away.
I was in the blue F150 crew cab with the female companion in the lot. Britts, I'm looking good for either Monday or Tuesday or both, but we've got stuff going down here on Wednesday and the Captain is chaining me to work. On the highly public incident, no we've done pretty well in the court of public opinion. Captain even got a nice note from the guy that owns Silver Dollar City! That's cool that someone down that way is paying attention to what we're doing. I was on Fox News twice in one day!
Dad caught this one yesterday afternoon. I should have gone with him! I'll post a report later after I talk to him. Judging by the amount of daylight left in the picture, he did well, or poorly.
I don't know how, with the exception of a MDC bureaucrat lawyer here in JC with a skewed definition of what entrapment is, that it could be viewed as entrapment. The agent would have to be standing by someone and basically tell them that its okay to take fish off of a stringer and put another one on, and then bust them on it to be entrapment. Then again, bureaucrat lawyers have a pretty skewed view of the world in general.
My guess is the Quarry Hole.
I stand corrected, I don't think it was them. Sorry if I stepped on any toes!
I think that this one was by the MO Trout Fisherman's Association. I don't know that for sure and don't want to falsely accuse an organization that had nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately I can't post them, they were deleted to free up space on my card. I figured I would show them to a Ranger or Conservation Agent if I saw one and point out their campsite, but I never saw the enforcement folks.
You guys didn't get dropped off by a guy in the loop 4 parking lot on Saturday morning did you? I saw two guys get out and walk that way.
I haven't been there in a while either. I don't even know if it's still up for sure. I remembered the call sign though.
Don, I didn't report them because there was a group of about ten of them standing in the fish and as I mentioned, I was with my wife and I'm banned from confrontation (different story altogether ). However, I did snap some pictures of their seedy activity with my trusty digital camera,and they eventually left after some whispering amongst themselves and looking over their shoulders. I do kind of have the law enforcement look for good reason (minus the greasy mustache) , so maybe I made them nervous snapping thier pictures. I did see the same group of BEMs with full stringers again in the afternoon.
Since I don't know any of you guys by sight yet. I hope it wasn't one of you guys, but if it was, I certainly hope I'm stepping on your toes, because I wanted to stand on your throat. I suppose anyone who was there this weekend was aware of the "men's tournament" that was going on Saturday. One of the prizes was for "heaviest stringer." If that doesn't beg for cheating, I wouldn't know what would. Anyway, I take my wife along to introduce her to trout fishing. I thought it would be good to have her enjoy something that I enjoy doing, and have another thing that we can do together. Making a long story short, I saw more idiots taking fish off of stringers and loading their next fish on when they've already got four. I assume trying to win "heaviest stringer." Number one: I know that to be illegal. Number two: I know it to be unethical. Number three: It pisses me off! Here I am trying to get my wife to enjoy something (weather didn't help)and get her into some fish, and here the are the dopes standing in a hole blatantly cheating not giving anyone else a chance. Then, I see the same dopes in the afternoon with a whole new stringer of fish! I saw this everywhere I went in the park, with the exception of the fly only area. In the fly area, the dopes that were there were fishing bait. I believe the regulations say once you have four fish on, YOU'RE DONE for the day. I believe the intent was to give everyone a fair shot at enjoying themselves and catching fish. I guess these B.E.M.S. are only interested in showing their buddies how many fish they can catch on salmon eggs. Woo Hoo! I don't have a problem finding and catching fish, but for someone on their first time out it's difficult, and these selfish individuals make it that much more difficult. I don't have a problem with catch and release all day and pick the four you want to eat along the way, but once they're on your stringer, they're yours. All you did was kill a fish that someone else doesn't get a chance to catch. If this was one of you, shame on you, but I'm sure everyone on this forum is an ethical angler. Alright, off my soapbox, but this is why I don't fish the parks often! I just get mad.
I hear that. Wifey tried to be a trooper, but couldn't take it anymore. I stuck it out with one delay. Ran out of LP. No furnace=pi__ed of spouse. By the way, are you Kenjenmo from pop the top?
Well, I didn't see any other OAFers around the park. Of course I wouldn't have known just by looking. How'd everyone do? How about that blizzard on Saturday? Didn't expect that.
Did someone say something about the ACLU? Mark, with all due respect sir, your right to be an idiot ends when it infringes on someone else's right to not be around an idiot. That's from me, a real life idiot. I'm proud of my idiot roots, but I know that when my idiocy comes in conflict with someone else's rights, it's on me to be an idiot elsewhere. I agree with you whole-heartedly on enforcing the laws we already have!
I don't think you can go wrong with the St. Croix Premier series. I have quit fishing any other UL rig since I bought my first one. Good quality rig, and you won't have to sell your first born to pick one up, or cry if your wife throws it at you, or slams it in the door because you're going fishing again.
Oh, I'm here. I'll be the first to admit that float trips with me are a fairly drunken event. That being said, I choose to go with others, that like me, respect the river, nature, and the other people around me. We don't get out of control, throw trash, and pick up others crap along the way. We do drink beer, jello shots, paint cans, and anything else that contains alcohol, but we have enough sense to straighten up when there are children around. We wouldn't want someone else to act a fool with our kids around. (that's why they stay with grandma and grandpa ) We follow the rules. We're there for a good time and not to ruin anyone else's. As you would suspect, drug use and underage drinking are a big no-no to me, and should be stopped on the waterways and I believe it would stop some of the problem. YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE COMMON SENSE, therein lies the problem. You can put all the regulations into place that you want, and enforce them as strictly as you can. However, idiots will always find a way to be idiots! It's encoded in their DNA. Unfortunately it would be morally wrong to kill all the idiots on earth to stop them from spawning more idiots. I forget which comedian said it, but "you can't fix stupid." When someone finds a way to fix stupid, we will all be better off and there would be a lot less conversation on this forum. Everything from shuffling to poaching to killing eagles would no longer be talked about. How boring would our lives be without idiots. I for one know that Britts and I would no longer be gainfully employed.
I'll be there with the wifey. Loop 4 site 423. Pop-up blue/grey F150. I'll have beer and hopefully and fish story.
Went down yesterday with my pop and tried to pull some slabs out of the lake. We were going to go to Purvis Beach to put in, but were crunched on time, so we used PB2 which was a little busy. I haven't seen the water so low in quite some time. I mean LOW! The new ramp at PB2 is closed in case you didn't know, but the old one is going. We fished hard on submerged brush that is usually productive on the Glaize this time of year. No luck. I mean SLOW! Dad's been down several times this week and noted the difference in the color and temperature of the water on the Glaize as opposed to the Gravois arm where he'd been earlier in the week. Gravois is clear and slow, Glaize water is a little green and two or three degrees warmer. About 50 degrees. Should be getting good soon! About the fish. We would find some occupied brush here and there and maybe catch 5-6 off of the bed with one keeper. Search, repeat, and so on. The fish we did find were on the shallower brush. Caught one 11 incher off of a dock, but that was it. Between the two of us we had five keepers between 10 AM and 2 PM. It stunk, but a great day to be on the water. Got the usual airshow from the A-10s from Whiteman AFB. That's always cool!
Does anyone have any good reports from Opening Weeken
mcp633 replied to TroutFearMe's topic in Montauk State Park
My bloodline runs deep in inbred mutts, however, my sister just married a real Dublin Irishman. It has been an eye opening experience. I just might be down that way. I take a trip with a bunch of guys every year around that time, but I don't know if they've set a date yet or not. Let me know if you go, I'm on the way and can always clear the schedule for a day or two. Kyle