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Tiger Tom

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Hiked down Suicide at about 2:00 Friday afternoon, and ran straight into a group of courteous floaters. Several groups of canoes came through until about 5:00, but all were friendly, none drunk, and lots of kids with parents. Fish were in the deep riffles and close to the bank--caught a nice 15 in bow on a leech, and several more on a Madame X. The red ear really liked the Madame X as well, until a large smallmouth beat them to it. He was about 14 in. and quite a tug on my 4 wt. Caught a few browns about 3/4 miles above the suicide stretch, biggest was about 14 in., but very healthy and colorful. No hatch at dusk, but by then I was ready to get out of the heat! Glad to have a Friday afternoon without drunks and nasties--can't say enough about the courtesy of the folks that floated through today.
  2. Check out Walt Fulps' site at the following address for information regarding where to find Mill Creek. Bear in mind that the fishing strategy is MUCH different than at the stocked areas of Missouri--try a few casts, be stealthy, and then move on to the next spot if you're not successful. There's plenty of elbow room (sometimes you don't see anyone else), and it's best to go alone, as the stealth is ruined if you're fishing behind or ahead of someone. Best of luck, and be sure to bring plenty of dries! http://www.missouritrouthunter.com/MillCreek.htm
  3. Started about 1.5 miles below the campground, and worked my way back. Rain had stopped early in the afternoon, so the fish were quite happy to hit a small royal wulff or griffith's gnat. Caught about 9-10 fish in 3 hours, largest of which was about 10 inches. Water looks better this July than it has in the past 3-4 years. The amount of vegetation appears to be channeling some of the nicer holes, making them too narrow and unfishable. I'm sure this will clear up in the Fall and Winter, and it's very nice to finally see some good water in the Piney again. The 1 to 2 year class fish were especially plentiful, so let's hope for future returns!
  4. Fished Mill Creek the morning of Sunday, July 1, and was pleasantly surprised at both water flow and the number of fish. Caught about 10 nicely colored rainbows, the largest of which was about 9 inches. Fish really liked a leech or prince in the deeper holes, and a few were receptive to a small royal wulff I tied on. Nice stretch of river, but bring your water--it's getting HOT out there.
  5. Had a great time fishing both 12/23 and Christmas Day (confirming I am officially a trout bum), but was really distressed to witness a guy catch a beatiful 24 incher on 12/23 only to drop it on the rocks TEN TIMES (yes I counted) while trying to pose for a pic. The guy was braggin to his buddy about this being the "biggest rainbow he'd caught in the lower 48" and how "he'd caught larger in Alaska." If you're lucky enough to fish in some of the most beautiful places on earth, why in the WORLD aren't you smart enough to properly catch and release a fish. Drop a fish on the rocks once should automatically cause you to forget the picture and get it back in the water. I watched him try to revive the fish in the water for about 5 minutes before I left, cussing under my breath. Kudos to MDC for a fantastic place to fish, but bah humbug to "fishermen" who kill what took so long to raise. I think instead of a ticket, the violator should be dropped a few times on the rocks from an appropriate height....just my 2 cents.
  6. I agree with Murdoc's post. The water is down a bit, but there are some MONSTER trout in the water from the brood stock release. I did well with an olive mohair leech on 12/23, then returned Christmas Day and was really successful with a size 20 Griffith's gnat. There wasn't anything hatching that I could see, but caught a nice 20 inch rainbow on top--quite a Christmas present. I had only one complaint from 12/23--a guy caught a beautiful 24 incher, but dropped it TEN times while trying to pose for a picture with his buddy. I never saw if it got revived or not--I left before my temper made my tongue say some things to the two "sportsmen". The reg is very clear folks--release the fish IMMEDIATELY after catching it. 'Nuf said.
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