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  1. Well here is a pic from last Saturday around 5 pm, hence into the sun. I was just inside the cable area towards the dam. Hope it helps. Dan http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa210/d...Flood-Gates.jpg
  2. Leonard, Thanks for the reply. I'll do the same as to the leader , that is about what I figured as far as size and yes I prefer to use a shorter leader if possible. I have heard from others in my visits that after generation when the water falls is a good time, especially after dark to use sculpins. Do you agree? Dan
  3. Evening Folks, This is the next question I have after inquiring about what sculpin patterns everyone prefers; That is what kind of rig do you fish them on? Weight, line (floating, sink tip, sinking), leader length, etc. I was going to use my 7 wt since I have a new intermediate sinking line and a sink tip line for it on a fairly short leader. What do you think? Dan
  4. Master Leonard I see you have a following, I too am not worthy but seek you wisdom.... Seriously, thanks to all that responded! Leonard, what type of dubbing do you use in the Brad's sculpin, from the pics it looks like it has some shiny stuff in it? Also when you wrap the zonker strip do you use crosscut rabbit? Also, I take it that Phil sells pine squirrel hides, if so Phil what colors do you have? Leonard, expect me to be getting in touch next week to seek you ways. Dan PS, expect more questions...
  5. Greetings All; First post here although I have been lurking for a while and it seems that everyone here is more than willing to help out folks, so I have a question to ask. But first a little about me, the wife and I have a time share in Branson and get up there (from Oklahoma City) at least once a year, sometime more. Several years ago we fished with River Run Outfitters for half a day and figured out some of the local waters and since then I have used midge and soft hackle patterns but I want to try dragging sculpins across the bottom to see if I can entice some bigger fish. We'll be coming up in a couple of weeks and I want to tie some sculpins up that will ride hook point up. I have been going through the patterns here and see a couple of sculpin patterns and the pine squirrel pattern (can't remember the exact name of it) so I thought I'd ask your opinions on which is your favorite and what color(s). Thanks, Dan
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