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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. Most of us know that trout will swallow Power Bait. In order to not allow this you need to be on the ball to set the hook. right? I found that using an Eagle Claw #4 crappie hook, with the cam twist in the hook shank will stop most of this. Using this hook normally allows the hook to set into the lip or lower jaw!!! Also Carolina rigging helps even more.
  2. Cannot say for WD-40. I use the stuff by Kevin Vandam, bought it from BASS PRO, It works very well and is a water based product. Water based because its in the boat and is frozen!!!
  3. I have been reading the boards here and love them! I find more info here on water quality and local topics related to fishing the Ozarks. My wife and I fish White River about once per week and I normally hit it once during the week solo. I should say during the school year (she is a teacher) several times per week in the summer months. Our next species to learn will be walleye, do I have been researching but not alot of info on fishing walleye in BUll Shoals is availible. Fished Taneycomo back in the 70's and 80's, caught some nice fish then. Retired from the Army in 1998, been doing taxidermy almost 30 years, competing at many of the World Taxidermy CHampionships, taught bass mounting in 2003 at the WTC. I do a few skin mounts every year, but mainly reproductions these days along with the nromal deerheads, turkey, small game etc. Tight lines John
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