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kevin wcmo

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. what are your thoughts if a guy could find some 4-5 inch shinners, and using them down on the lower part. if so how would you go about rigging and also fishing them? thanks. kevin
  2. can you catch the crappie this time of year back in the creeks? if so what kind of size can a person expect to catch? Kevin
  3. forgot to ask about nightime fishing the lower lake. and we are not afraid to try new things like live bait or others. tia kevin
  4. trav wondering if i could pick your brain a little without giving to much of your trade secrets away on the lower lake. a good friend and i have been going down to taney since 95' the last of january or the first to middle part of february. we stay at a resort past the koa. we have fished down by bee creek, 10 mile marker, down past the gold mine, but mainly with power bait or corn, with mainly little stockers to show for it. thats why we usually end up going up to fall creek or the darn if the water is high enough and drift with jigs, ect. curious how to get in some better fish down below either browns or bows without having to fight the crowd up above. also, is there any truth there is crappie in taney, if so can a guy catch them this time of year? cant beat crappie out of cold water on truman up here right now. tia kevin
  5. heard myths of catching crappie here a couple weeks ago at the "crab shack". fairly familiar with lake from darn to gold mine, just dont know of or where crab shack is? where is a good place to find crappie in the month of feb here on taney, and what do you guys use? thanks. kevin
  6. what have people found to be the best setup for using minnows for trout while drifting? style of hook and size? weight setup? proper hooking of minnow? tail? back? eyes? lips? been going down to taney for several years now for a 4-day weekend in febuary. used everthing from jigs to worms while drifting, just want to try minnows for a little better size of trout. thanks for your time. kevin
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