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Everything posted by podum

  1. Thanks for the tip Dove Tail.
  2. Me and 5 others make a yearly trip to the Niangua and stay at NRO's cabins fish Thurs through Sat. This was our 4th year and we've dodged the weather every year. We stay at NRO because it's before the silly season (the place is still tame) the accomodations are decent, and the river access from there is pretty good - considering we have some older guys so we don't float. We solely bank and wade fish. Had a sick feeling on the way down Thursday. It rained the whole way from KC. We stopped at Truman dam and fished in the rain for about an hour. No water running = a few runt crappie. Forecast sucks - rain every day, all weekend. Checked the water level on the USGS site the nite before and things looked ok, but the rain made us think we were hosed. We set off for the river expecting to see a muddy mess. Pleasant surprise when we arrived just after 1. Only a drizzle. We check in, unload and then head down to the river at the NRO camp site by 2. The river was in really good shape and the rainbows cooperated. Crawfish crankbaits were the key. A few on the flyrod came on an egg pattern. All of the fish were really healthy and fat. A couple topped 15 inches. Weather made us quit around 5. We were glad to getenough fish for our Sat. night fish bake as we thought the storms could blow the river out overnight and turn our outing into a card playing event. Friday morning was as ok,but slower than Thurs afternoon. Interrupted by rain around lunch, but the river held up well. 6 rainbows among us. Two of the larger ones had tons of eggs and bright spawning colors. After lunch when the rain slowed I headed down to Barclay by myself. It was simply murder. Every other cast (small crawfish crankbait). Mix of browns (12 inchers) and rainbows (one went 16). I could only keep 3 to fill my limit and then started releasing. I didn't bring a phone so I couldn't call the nappers up at NRO. I debated staying and slaying them alone or driving back to get the rest. I decided to get them. 5 of us came down and fishing was really good the rest of the afternoon. Weather held on Friday night and we thought we were home free. Headed to Barclay on Sat. morning expecting more of what happened the evening before. Shocked to see a river that rose more than 2 feet and was a muddy mess. We tried, but couldn't fish the riffle at Barclay. Thought about heading back to the cabin but one of our guys said "let's spend some time at the lagoon by the parking lot where the canoes put in." Good call. The browns were in there and down by the boat ramp in the slack water. We caught at least 15 of them (caught a couple rainbows and bass as well). None were stocker size. Most were 13 inches and fat. Two keepers - a 15 1/2 and 16 1/2. Both looked like footballs. I wanted to post pictures but the file size is too large to download. Fabulous trip. Good Lord looking out for us.
  3. we use close to the same stuff you recommend. I appreciate the offer of a ride. We generally have to wade/bank fish at the accesses. We have some older guys in our group that can't handle a full day's float. As far as the lures go, we generally use the same type of stuff. The bread thing is a new one on me. Dodged a bullet on the rain yesterday I think. Looks like Wed night through Thursday is bullet number 2.
  4. Mostly spinning gear. Two guys (including me) will use both fly rods and spinning.
  5. Hog nosed snakes darken as they get older. The really young ones have bright markings (the tan and brown shades are very contrasting). They blend together in the older adults. From the pics and the described behavior, I agree with the others on the ID. When they roll over and play dead, they'll puke too. That's real cute . . .
  6. Thanks. If you are gonna be around this weekend, say hello to a guy driving a red tundra. If you have any advice, especially around the accesses at Barclay, NRO and Bennett, it would be appreciated.
  7. I give a report every May. I'll check back. Looks like storms tonite. Just hoping it's not a total blow out
  8. Heading to the river on Thursday for our yearly trip (we'll fish Thurs - Sat). We fish from the Bennett access to Barclay. Wondering how things look and whether any of the locals have an idea what today's rain may do to the river. Many thanks in advance.
  9. fished 2 hours on saturday. water was running. several locals said plenty of generation every day. fishing was not as good as you'd think with the water going. still cold water after last week. caught one nice hybrid and a largemouth. key is getting a 2 to 3 inch shad imitator on the bottom. it will take 1/4 oz to 3/8 oz. good luck
  10. That's a beaut! Do I see an Eakin's Jig. Those little bugs kick it.
  11. Picture: File is 2.6 MB so it is too big. Don't know if that is fixable. Brownie: Water looked dead. Nothing on top. Action was on the bottom and slow. We were on the side closest to Hwy 7, whichever that is.
  12. Fished sunday from noon til 3. They were running a little water. Hybrids were turning on. Saw several in the 3-6 pound landed by folks along the rip rap along with one big (22+ inch) walleye and several smaller whites. There was a crew up at the no fishing line just murdering the hybrids. The rest of us settled for scraps. A crew of 6 guys up there had to have landed 50 fish with some biguns. The key was getting a small white jig (sassy shad, gulp minnow or slab slayer) on the bottom and slow bouncing it with the current. Light bites and lots of snags. Have a picture of a nice hybrid but can't figure out how to attach it. Help?
  13. Our group has gone every May for 3 years and stayed at the NRO cabins (double wides with log siding). They are pretty nice, convenient but pricey. Wondering if anyone has a suggestion for other places that rent cabins near this stretch of river. Thanks in advance.
  14. Nice day. Cabin fever is killing me. Were the productive areas near enough to shore to fish from the bank?
  15. That's got to be it saluki. I found a picture on the MDC website and it matches. I gotta figure out how to upload the pictures.
  16. Fished below the dam last Friday with my dad from about 11:00 am til 4:00. Fishing was very good. One turbine was rolling most of the afternoon and creating a good current, but not too much. We caught 10 whites (some were small hybrids) - all in the 13 to 15 inch range; one 16 inch crappie, many small largemouth bass, a big drum and what we think were some large shad (see pictures). Some of the boats drifting by were landing some nice cats. All of our fish came on one of two baits: a pearl sassy shad or a 3 inch white slider (both rigged on a 1/8 ounce jig head). Fun stuff. If anyone can confirm what the fish in the third picture is, I'd appreciate it. We think it was a large shad (caught 2 of them). They were both about 16 inches long and jumped multiple times. Kinda fun. It turned into the old Steve Martin Saturday Night skit with everyone around asking "What the hell is that" Having problems with the picture upload. Working on it.
  17. Heading down on Fri. and Sat. to the area where the Main Lake and Grand Glaize meet to fish for White Bass. Has anyone been out? With the cool weather, have the Whites been up on the points? Any help is appreciated. I'll post a report Sunday night. Thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks for all the replies! Anyone ever been to Cedar Camp on the Little Niangua (at Macks Creek)? I like that creek and it may be the closest option.
  19. Never been to the Elk, but have read good things here. Thanks for the suggestion. GO TIGERS!
  20. Love the avatar soggy. I live in overland park, but my heart (and money) are in Columbia. I know about the nearby lakes, but was hoping to let her get her feet wet in a big creek or small river. The little niangua and sac seem like the nearest options, but am wondering if anyone has another idea. Thanks again for quick response.
  21. Willing to drive an hour or two. Looking for a place near a stream. Any suggestions?
  22. Hope this link works. It answers your question. http://mdc.mo.gov/conmag/2005/05/30.htm
  23. From Hwy 7, what's the best way to an access point for the tailrace. Thanks in advance.
  24. LOZ is blown out (think chocolate milk + pea soup). You can lauch a boat though.
  25. I've fished the LN a few times out of the Mule Shoe CA. Its a neat stream up there. As far as what's there . . . we caught little smallmouth, largemouth, goggle eye, a couple of big green sunfish and saw gar and suckers. All from wading the pools near the road bridge. The stream is worth the trip if for no other reason than its fairly remote. There are some big smallies too even though the water is skinny. Good luck and give us a report.
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