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Everything posted by wildminnow
Hey beeson why dont you spin a tall tale about the one that got away, sounds like a great story to me
If that giant snake came my way he would be fish food
IF taxidermist's tall tales are true know one could beat him in a fishing contest
who said I had a wife and kids? I dont want to challenge you to a fishing competition I just find it odd that you are the only one who ever cathes all these big fish on bull shoals, I never claimed to be catching the big ones
gee you always seem to catch lots of fish and big ones too! Sounds fishy to me
maybe powersite breached and that would explain flucuating water levels huh calico wayne
well taxidermist the correct story on your striper is that the measurments taken would have most likely been a world record, and If I got it to the boat I can gurantee it would not have gotten away. It must not have been flopping around too much to get such accurate measurments, anyway I dont care about your little short story. I do find it amusing that deep diver really seems to know his stuff and keeps busting your chops on you not knowing yours, wow steps into the water seems they encourage water usage there doesn't it? In the famous words of Terry Beeson I will debate this issue no longer the minnow is over and out
Hey deepdiver you might enjoy another tall tale from taxidermist on the bull shoals thread under wow lots of fish, seems he just missed the world record striper, it reads like a terry beeson short story
Well boys you got me on the spelling of dam. My bad on that sorry to offend you, but beeson I thought on post 18 you said you done debating this matter, As for you wayne, that second quote is not from me so keep prowlin around to see who you are talking about on that one
I think some of us really need to go back to 2nd grade and work on reading for comprehension. For the second time I will refer Wayne to the original post that this family came off of the hill down to the darn, a fence to keep them off the hill might be a good idea there that is not an armed 24/7 paid security guard is it? Taxidermist I guess that was your attempt at humor but I guess I fail to see it, no one cares about your mounted Spanish bass, I was refering to another one of your tall tales about the striper, I also liked the one you told about 12 knot current at dewy short and someone else seemed to strike that one down also.
Seems maybe the "cat" has got waynes tongue
I can not believe you said that. If you think river run and shadow rock would not flood then you need to lay off the crack pipe for a while. Now after the intial flood of water it very well may stabilize and not do great damage down lake but shadow rock and river run would be under water, I mean come on heavy spring rains put them both under on a fairly regular basis. I am no expert but I would bet the farm on them being under water
hey proweler do you think wayne could breech powersite with a few well placed shots with his cat gun?
hey taxidermist you ever see any world record striper getting sucked through the darn while you are down there diving?
Your making it sound like this family swam up past the cable from the lake, they walked down the hill over boulders and trees from the way I read it, put up a fence to keep them from walking down from where ever they walked down from. thats all I'm saying the water level will have no effect on it
I will say again I was refering to the original post where people were walking on the darn or whatever they were doing, I was refering to fence around the perimeter just to keep people away not to keep them from blowing it up calm down on floating fence or whatever
I think we are starting to get side tracked from the original idea that it is just pretty easy to gain close acess to these damns. Putting up a fence would help, these are not giant cost involving items. As for powersite darn failing not doing much damage? Ask the people in south east Missouri what a break in the darn at taum sauk caused. Ask ameron how much money they have spent cleaning up a rural area with only one house effected by the flood at taum sauk, try going to johnson shut inns and looking at the damage, oh yea you can't because over a year later the park still is not opened back up.
It is not a matter of if trd is number one on a list of damns to blow up, the issue is there is very little security. And terrorist don't just come from the middle east, and they dont only think of hitting major cities i.e. Oklahoma City truck bomb set off by an American. Why present an easy target when simple things could be done to make it a more difficult task to carry out. But if you really want to talk big bang for your buck think that they did not target only one place on 9-11, they would not target one darn either they would make plans for at a specific time maybe 50 damns go boom think about that
Let me tell you if someone wanted to take down tablerock it would be as simple as getting a moving truck, and making a truck bomb the public parking lot is right there at the base of the darn I am by no means an expert, but Im guessing you could get close enough to succeed in your mission. How many tourist a day park down there? Leave your truck get picked up detonate from afar. The scary thing with a darn is that it naturally wants to come down. A hole in any part of it weakens the entire structure
I was using blackhead minnows and just drifting down to swan I did not even bother going up into swan since I was having decent sucess drifting down. Most of the whites were decent sized males, I think I ended up with 3 average size females.
well i finally got out to do some fishing last night. Put in at river run and went down to the barker hole caught one walleye 16 inches on a blackhead minnow. Went up to the pot hole and caught a 22 inch walleye, fishing was slow so I trolled back down toward swan, and picked up 4 whites did this threee or four times and ended up with a nice limit of whites and my keeper walleye
I was being sarcastic about the top waters, Hornyhead chub was giving us a hard time earlier about seining and using topwater minnows as bait, so that was just a little jab at him, I have no answers for the lack of white bass over the last few years I have been a loyal white bass fisherman in the area for 20 years and am really disappointed in the recent years fishing results.
Like i said before prowler i will be using them top waters until I'm told by some one who knows what there talking about that it is not legal white bass love em
well I have heard some people say this decrease in fish is mainly because of people seining top water minnows from the creeks what do you guys think about that?
Surely someone has fished down there in the past couple of weeks. How is the pothole fishing? Has anyone been up Beaver lately? How about K dock any info would be nice. Im planning a trip down this weekend help me out boys.