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Everything posted by wildminnow

  1. or you could just ask hornyhead chub he is an expert in all things fish
  2. We went down last Saturday morning, and put in at the bridge in tecumseh, made it up to the forks, pretty tricky with a regular prop, fished a couple of hours with no luck, other than a keeper walleye i hooked in a side fin, he came off right at the boat. Went back toward bridge and saw a couple whites caught just below bridge so we anchored up and caught 5 then we ran out of minnows did see one old timer limit out on big males right under the bridge using minnows.
  3. Well we decided to go ahead and go friday night even with the cool temperatures, put in at the stump hole and went down toward udall fished for a couple of hours, caught two small male whites and one small largemouth, not many people out fishing.
  4. was thinking of heading down to the stump hole or udall area Friday night, has anyone had any luck lately? Any word would be appreciated
  5. Well i know from past experience that the gin clear water in swan will turn up a bunch of suckers by day, and by night you can haul in some major numbers of white bass, this was back 10-15 years ago though when I still caught white bass in large numbers. The last time I really hooked into them was the year the lake was very low, wade fishing in the middle of the lake channell
  6. tearing your boat up going up those riffles sounds about right, I saw a boat try and go up, started hitting gravel with the old prop, he shut her down and let his buddy try the trolling moter, it wouldnt hold so they headed back down the riffle, sounded like they hit those underwater logs, probably put a little dent in the side of their boat. Guess you better have a jet to be tryin that stuff, oh by the way we probably caught 100 whites up above the riffle.
  7. Well i tell you what I have heard stories about the white bass basically just jumping in your boat out there in oklahoma, so I too am going to try my luck out there this weekend, if i dont catch some fish im going to be real upset, hopefully I will have a good guide so show me where the fish are at!!
  8. 2 hrs 45 min to river run
  9. where exactly do most like to fish at the pot hole? Forsyth side or powersite side? Out of a boat I mean.
  10. Sounds like tough fishing, keep us posted though I will be planning a trip down in the next month or so, all the info. I can get will be appreciated
  11. My goodness hornyhead how have you become such an expert in all things minnows?
  12. I too have been checked by a warden in the texas county area with what I call a top water minnow the only thing they looked at were the numbers between the 2 of us we could legally have 300 so we were ok and recieved a comment on what a nice bunch of minnows we had gotten
  13. Would not an aquarist(any joe smoe with an aquarium) be be removing an organism from the ecosystem by using kilifishes to stock in their new aquatic home? Just wondering what everyone else thought about that.
  14. I would have to agree with skmo about the durability of topwaters they can go deep and have no problems they swim circles around black heads or shiners in my book yes prowler there has also been some talk on this board about keeping walleyes, but again i would say I think MDC is capable of setting regulations to keep the population at its best, I say follow the posted rules and do what you want within them
  15. well I have long seined for topwater minnows and will continue to do so. My favorite way to get em is to find a spot in the creek that has become a "pond" so to speak no water no longer running into it, easy to seine, and they are not going to live any way. And they are by far the best live bait around, I have seen many fishing trips where us guys with the topwaters are the only ones to be catching any fish. I can gurantee us seiners are not responisble for poor stream quality to any gamefish either, other wise I would think the conservation dept. might have something to say about that.
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