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Antron Midge

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Hello friends First of all let me apologize for not posting for a while. I am sure some of you have heard that I had to have an emergency surgery a few weeks back. Thanks to the good lord, I am now close to 100 healed, and even harrasing the trout! I did run into my little buddy at Wal-Mart this week , and she doing GREAT!! She still wears the hat we gave her at the tournament (thanks Phil !) and talks about it. She was wearing a "special" braclet with beads marking all of the treatments she has gone through. Please continue to Pray for her because her road is still a rough one. Thanks again for all of the support of this board, it means more than you will ever know Best regards and good fishin Toby
  2. Terry You can send your donation here to the house if you like, just make the check out to Faith Howie and write Faith Howie fund on the memo line. It was a great event, really enjoyed meeting everyone and making new freinds. The Howies are very thankful and very very appericative of the tournament. I hope to fish with each one of you again my snail mail is Toby Vaughan 2598 Summit Drive Siloam Springs AR 72761 home number 479-524-2412 thanks Terry Toby
  3. Here is the link if you would like to keep up with Faith and her battle. I really apperciate all that you guys did, If you ever need anything from me I am a phone call away www.caringbridge.org/visit/faithhowie God bless you all Toby
  4. I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys for all of your support with this project. The Howie Family is truly humbled and really apperciates this more than you will ever know. Looking into the face of that brave little angel makes all of our problems look so small. I am truly honored to have meet such generous and kind people, like Steve said this mourning, warms your heart to see the good come out of good people. I will post a pic (or have my buddy Dano ) of the winning team ( even though we are all winners here!!! and the final tallies of todays event. It looks like with the money that is being sent by friends that could not make the event we WILL break 2,000 bucks raised!! I hope all that bought auction items puts them to great use. I really hope that you will allow me to stay here atthis fourm, I think it is one of the best! Oh they have set up a website for Faith that will allow to keep track of her health and have updates in her treatments. I will post a link in the mourning. Thanks again, hope to see each and every one of you guys on the river!!! Thanks again Toby
  5. Here is a quick overview to the rules and some of the questions. Each team will have 4 members. Each team member can "record" one fish for there total. Your team's final score will be the length of all 4 of your recorded fish. The first team member to catch a fish must measure it ( be selective on fly selection here might want to save that size 20 for later in the tourney:)) Once you have recorded your fish, please continue to fish, ( I want everyone to have a great time!!) but any fish caught after that can not count in the tournament. The tournament will begin at around 8am and you must be at the Beaver dam store no later than 3pm. Each team will be given a small notebook and pen. Keep your measurements there (also keep a record of fish caught in the event of a tie). Once you turn in your score, please feel free to bid on auction items, swap stories ect ect ect. The auction will end at 4pm. When you arrive: There will be a table set up with Regestration labeled on it. Please pay your entry then and you will be given a notebook and pen ( am working on tape measures but not totally finished) If you are paying by check make the check out to Faith Howie and in the memo section write " Faith Howie Fund". We will be glad to write you out a recepit if you need one. Also drop off any donations at that time so they can be placed in the auction. If you only have 2 or three members we will place any "singles"or combine teams to give everyone a complete team. If we do happen to have a odd number then we will figure some way of adjusting the scoring to make it an even playing feild. I want this to be a fun event, because everyone that partcipates is already a winner!! I would like to thank each and everyone here for there support, I am truly humbled by your compassion. If you have any questions,or comments just drop me an email @ tobydee@cox.net or call me @ 479-524-2412. Thank you again, see ya on the river!!! Toby
  6. Sorry to be so late with this post, but have been extremely busy putting the finishing touches on this event. I did read the post about how well I knew the family. The Howie's are friends of my family. Faith's mother teaches at the same school as my wife. Because they do work together, we have became good friends. I was truly devestated when I heard the news, and tried to find some way to help them out, because that could easily been my son. I am truly humbled by the tremendous support of this board, and together we WILL make a difference in little Faith's battle! Here are a few notes, PLEASE try to met at the Beaver Dam Store by no later than 7:30 am. That should give us enough time to get everyone signed in, have a meet and greet, a word of prayer and explanation of the rules. There are also some FIRST rate auction items (don't be surprised to see a Whitlock art print or Tony Spezio's DVDs If you have any questions or need directions feel free to call me @ 479-524-2412 or email me here @ tobydee@cox.net. Thank again for your support, the family reaaly appericates it, and this will be a great time. P/S better pack some midges !! God bless you all Toby
  7. A little update on Faith. She is doing real well on her treatments, the doctors are really pleased so far! She still has a long battle in front of her, so please continue to think of her and her family. I did fish Beaver today, and will sat that I caught some really nice rainbow, one that that went 20 inches +!! If the river stays in this shape, will be some AWESOME fishing! We also have some great auction items including a couple of nice trout rods and even a spey rod. Thanks to all on this board for all of your support, you are really helping making this happen. If you have any questions or comments PLEASE contact me @ tobydee@cox.net or 479-524-2412 Thanks again Toby Vaughan
  8. Just thought I would post an update on Faith as well as the tournamnet. The news has been great with Faith, she is really doing well with her treatments! Thanks to all for the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes, it appericated more than you will ever know. A special account has been set up at our Arvest bank for Faith. When you pay for your entry please make the payment addressed to "Faith Howie Fund". I would like for all to arrive no later than 7:30 am for time to enter the teams as well as a quick explaination of the rules ect ect ect. Thanks to all of you that are making this a truly great event!!! Toby
  9. First of all i would love to say thank you for allowing me to posr on such a wonderful site! I hope to be a member here for a very long time. As mentioned in Dan's post I am hosting a benefit fly tournament for a young lady named Faith Howie. Faith is 4 years old and about two weeks ago was diagnosed with Leukemia. The rules are fairly simple, teams of 4 will compete with each team member will be allowed 1 fish to measure. The first member of the team to catch a fish must measure that fish, the others can continue to catch and release trout until they catch a fish they would like to declare. Everyone is encourged to continue fishing ( we all want to have a great time) but any fish caught after your fish is on the board can not be entered in the tournament. The cost of entering a team is 100 dollars, and if you don't have a team and still want to fish then the cost is 25 dollars per person. On the day of the tournament all singles will be made into teams. If there is an uneven number of teams then we will work out a fair system so everyone has an oppurtunity. Payment needs to paid at the tournament ( we are in the process of setting up a account for funds rasied for Faith at a local bank) to aviod any confusion. We will also have a auction table with variuos items for sale such as rods, flies, artwork, ect ect ect. If you would like to donate an item please contact me at tobydee@cox.net or call me @ 479-524-2412. I will give you my mailing address,but please mark the postage with "Tournament Donation" or something of the like so that it will not be misplaced or lost. As we all know, the tailwaters might be high during the tournament, but we will have the event none the less. I am hoping and praying for low water,and great caddis hatches! Please keep in mind the 100% of every penny we raise goes to the Howie's! Lets make this a fun event and raise some money for a truly worthwhile cause! thanks agian Toby Vaughan
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