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Everything posted by Kipster

  1. Hey Gene, I was floating the same weekend as Gavin and did hear a band (or a loud radio) while camping Sat night. Were you guys down at the big sandy S-turn a half-mile above Parker? If so, we were camped just upstream. The rain started in shortly before dusk and didn't quit until morning. The river gauge rose 1 foot at Akers that night.
  2. Hank, I just camped for 5 days between Baptist and Parker and had little problem getting through the rapids. And believe me, I was heavier than you'll ever be. The river is low but still floatable, even though it is not what you're probably used to. The fishing was awesome. Everyone who fished caught fish and two guys caught fish over 20". You'll probably catch some rainbows to eat below Welch but you'll miss out on some good rising water this next week. Kip
  3. No, you cannot park overnight at Welch. This is a river access point with no camping posted. You may however, wander off at least 50 ' from the access point to be considered in the national park. What land area can be considered Welch access point is the question. I would consider the trail to the spring, the parking lot, and the road that does just downstream of the access point all part of the no camping area. When I camp there I put everything in my canoe and drag it upstream to the nice gravel bar. Kip
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