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    rps got a reaction from MObassin95 for a status update, As you look out from the ramp in the picture, to your left is the deep water channel.   
    As you look out from the ramp in the picture, to your left is the deep water channel. To your 1 oclock to 3 oclock is a large bumpy flat that extends all the way to the same river channel along the far bluff. Fish are somewhere on the flat at all times. They relate to the underwater humps. At times they will school and chop shad over that flat.
    From the ramp at 12 oclock is the ledge from the flat to the channel. Before the lake was impounded someone built a rock wall or maybe a road bed down that edge. You can see it on side image sonar. That hump on the edge is productive when the fish have gone deep for the summer.
    From the ramp at about 1:30, on the far side, you can see the mouth of a small cove. In the spring, the bass use it to spawn. Later in the spring, early morning, fish the timber at the back with top water or buzz bait.
    To your 9 oclock, on the other side you will see a point. That point extends quite a ways out and about 200 feet from the point a hump rises to only a few feet deep. When the lake is down, it is a navigation hazard. Fish the hump and the edges for bass and walleye.
    From the ramp to your 11 oclock lies another cove, Raridan Branch. Go past the first boat house on the left and fish a jig or a ned between the boathouses for three or four houses.
    When you go upriver from the point on your left, the channel u turns to the left. From there, fish the northern turning to western side up past the boat house. I have caught good fish in every location described.
    BTW, a gentleman launches his older brown Ranger from that same ramp very often. He is an Ozark Anglers member, knows that part of the lake really well, and is friendly. Say hello. If I remember correctly, his name is Jack.
    Good Luck.
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    rps got a reaction from J-Doc for a status update, Jason, May I invite you to join me in my new boat on Table Rock or on Beaver. I suppl   
    May I invite you to join me in my new boat on Table Rock or on Beaver. I supply the boat, the bait, and the gas and you teach/help me set up my HDS10 so I don't go crazy. Any day after the 4th works for me, but I know you work summers so I will let you pick. I will even show you a couple non-community holes for walleye.
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