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Everything posted by flyphsh

  1. That's what I needed to know - thanks, guys. And if anyone goes downriver in the next couple of weeks, let me know how it looks.
  2. In reading some recent posts, I've seen a few comments about changes in the river due to high water. We have a float coming up the first week of April from Tan Vat down to Pulltite. Specifically, what kinds of changes should we be looking for? We usually camp around Ashley Creek, at Cedar Grove and a little ways below Akers. Is there anything we need to be aware of before setting out?
  3. Well, it appears that our trip isn't going to happen. I just spoke with a NPS ranger who informed me that the river is closed right now. Even if they can get it open again, it's still going to be very muddy and full of root wads and timber. His words: "If you have a trip planned 6 days from now, I'd make other arrangements." Watch out Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia! We're coming for you!
  4. I'm coming down from Ohio for a 4 day float on the Current starting next Thursday. Knowing what you all know about the river, and given current flows, what do you anticipate for late next week? We put in at Baptist and take out at Pulltite. After looking at last year's data, the river was moving 450 cfm and the most current reading at Akers is 1340 cfm. Is that as much water as it sounds like it is? Last spring the river was low and clear so maybe a little more water is to our benefit? I plan on throwing some big streamers on a Teeny T-200 line in the upper section. Any other methods I should try?
  5. Thank you all for your input, you've been very helpful. And if any of you haven't checked out that link that Flysmallie posted to Kelly Galloup's podcast, you should. It's not only good for learning a new approach and new techniques but some great information on big trout and how they go about their daily business.
  6. Thanks, Flysmallie. That podcast is very interesting. I come out from Ohio to do a float on the Current every April. I typically fish prince nymphs, copper johns, pheasant tails, hare's ears etc. I catch fish, but still nothing of any real size. Recently, I caught a 21" brown on a sz. 4 mohair leech up here on my local stream. It certainly got me to thinking about trying a different approach. In all of these postings, though, I don't really see too many people fishing streamers in the Current. If they are, maybe they're just not talking about it. Thanks again, flyphsh
  7. Do any of you out there aggressively fish streamers on the Current? I'm reading Kelly Galloup's "Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout" so I'm a little fired up.... I've had success with average sized fish on mohair leeches but does anybody use sculpin patterns, minnow patterns or other big streamers for the big brown pigs?
  8. Cool. Thank you all for the info, looks like we'll just stick with the usual plan and shack up at Baptist for a few hours and get out on the water. We come down from Ohio and usually don't arrive until midnight or 1:00 a.m. The sun starts coming up after a case of beer anyhow....
  9. Is there a place to throw down a tent or two off the parking area at Tan Vat? We've rolled into Baptist late at night and camped until morning but this year were considering putting in at Tan Vat instead. Worst case we can sleep in the van again. Thanks.
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