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pomme geezer

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Well Guys, It's really going to be tough this weekend. The lake is up 18 ft. the water is muddy, and a cold front. Water temp. is 43 deg. I wish I could help you with the bite, but I can't. Good Luck and good fishing The "Geezer"
  2. Good Luck The lakes up 12 ft. ,the Dam gate is WIDE open, so the lake is dropping 4-7" a day. The water is muddy, and the Bass are freaked out. The "geezer"
  3. Went out for a couple of hours caught 1 nice 3 lb. bass, but that was it. Lake is still 13 ft above normal, and muddy about a ft. of visability. Water temp was 52. Thats it for now Good Luck & Good Fishing The "Geezer" P.S. I'll post another update before the weekend
  4. [ The surface temp is 47 deg. and the water is very MUDDY. Hope this helps Good Luck & Good Fishing The "Geezer" P.S. Be CAREFUL theres a lot of floating debris.
  5. [e] Another update Wll guys now you can't get to the docks, due to the 3 1/2 in. of rain Mon., also the Corp have shut down the gate due to flooding on the river, and the high water at Truman. I'll keep you posted. The "Geezer"
  6. Not much to report, The lake is fishable you CAN get to the docks, The water is MUDDY, Had a Bass tourney with only 2 fish weighed in. Good Luck The "Geezer"
  7. My buddy (hoover25) caught some last night with1/16th oz jig and on stick baits (on 20 lb power pro and a 6 lb flouro leader) at the dam. Nothing awesome, but at least they were hitting.
  8. Well the lake is now 15 ft high, You can't get to the boat docks unless you want to swim about 50 ft. The gate is wide open 2500 cu. ft. per sec. I'll keep ya posted. The "geezer:
  9. Went out Sun. got into the white bass, they were suspended at about 20 ft. Went up the pomme river and found all the tourney fisherman, but the water temp was 52 the main lake was 41. That was before the flood. Now the lake is up 11 ft. and rising, and looks like choc. milk. doubt if I'll get out this weekend. Thats it for now sportsfans Good Luck and Good Fishing The "geezer"
  10. Hey Guys Pomme is noted for it's great Crappie fishing. Right now the water is so muddy theres not much biting right now. I was out yesterday for a little while but did'nt get a single bite. The water temp is 41 so it won't be long. I don't fish for Muskies in the summer, they get so stressed out most die after being released. Spring and fall is the time to go. Martin Flats and around the islands are the place to go. Well thts it for now. Good luck and good fishing The "Geezer"
  11. Happy almost spring everybody Wish I had some great fishing to tell you about, but I don't. Went out yesterday for a couple of hours with narry a bite. The water temp. is 40 deg. and MUDDY . The lake is up about 6 ft. and the gates are wide open. Nobody I talked to has caught a thing. Wish I had more to report, but thats it for this week. Good fishing and good luck The "Geezer"
  12. Hey Hey Hey Went out Sun. for a few hours and did pretty well Caught 3 Bass in the 3-4 lb range. Started out with a Buzz bait caught 2 and lost a really good one He wrapped me around a tree. I hate it when they do that. Then switched to a Spinnerbait and caught a few more. I think the top water bite is finally starting. The water temp. is 71 deg. and the water was a little cloudy. My neighbor the dedicated crappie fisherman told me the bite is hit or miss. He was catching them in 15-20 ft. using Char. jigs. The ones he caught were all NICE fish. There not schooled up yet. He would catch a few and then have to move to a new spot, and would catch a few more. You just have to keep moving. The Muskies have somewhat turned off, a few are being caught but nothing spectacular. Must still be shook up from the Musky tourney. Until the next time Good fishing and good BEER The "Geeze"
  13. Hey Hey Hey Actually fished the Muskey tourney yesterday with my buddy. Finished 2nd my buddy caught 2, a 37" and a 42" The Muskey fishing is just starting to pick up the water temp was 77deg. Give it another couple of weeks and it should really turn on. I'll post the pictures Tue. gotta run Good luck & good fishing The "Geeze"
  14. Hey Daddy I was using a red & white buzzer, lost a really nice one, no trailer hook. Added a trailer and never lost another one. Super fun ! I was using a Chompers 5" JIG in watermellon{(which actually looks brown) and a 3/8 oz stan sloan jig head. I'm always up to learning new tips, actually tried "split shotting" new to me but worked. I have a guide friend thats going to show me how to "drop shot" Never tried that presentation either. If your ever up at the Pomme on a Sun. or Mon. my boat has a big Fish Master decal on the sides. We'll hook up and swap fishin lies. Well Gotta run Happy fishing & good luck The "Geeze"
  15. Went out yesterday (Mon.) Did pretty good, used Buzz Baits early and switched to Jigs later in the morning. I was catching fish in the entrance to coves, did'nt do all that great on the points. I was fishing around Fugats cove throwing into the standing timber,in about 20-25'of water. Next weekend is the big Musky tourney, so the lake will be overly crowed, and I'm sure they'll be several Bass tourneys so I'm going to set out next weekend. The "Geeze" P.S. The water temp was 74 deg. and level is still normal
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