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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. All of those are good ideas. Seems like everyones biggest gripe is the length of time it takes to obtain a permit. Seems like it should be fairly easy and at a low cost for the MDC to delvelope a computer program that one can log onto their site and obtain a permit that they can then print off. Good golly, you don't even have to check your deer in except by phone, surely we can figure out something to cut down on standing in line for you guys.
  2. Sounds more like a self pat on the back to me. And BTW my family makes yearly contributions to the DAV.
  3. Just wondering if that was you and your buddy I spoke to while you were wading up stream between let's say between? Well lets just say you were not going to be fishing much longer cause you had a Bday party to attend.
  4. Well, there is really no other way to look at. If it just the wait in line you want to get out of, there are many/better options that can be discussed. This discussion has apparently struck a nerve with you. What are you so worked up about?
  5. I don't believe that to be the divison at all. If available, I still wouldn't buy the permit. But that is just me. What you are saying is that you want only certain persons to have the permit.
  6. GF,I fully understand there will be loss of life. I wrote that in response to the above post. I have nothing against Tim or his thinking on this subject but, if anyone thinks there will be no loss to C&R in the parks, take a walk along the river in the late afternoon. I think you will be shocked at the number of trout laying in the bottom of the pools belly up. And I wouldn't immediately point my finger at the bait or spin fishermen. Just last Sunday, my son and I spent a little time there and I saw a Cabela fly fishing model doing a little fishing. He wanted to make sure everyone saw that he caught a fish as he finally got it over to the bank only to kneel down and waited for it to completely wear out while he scanned up and down the river to see who all was looking at him. He finally released the fish.
  7. That was my point to Rusty. Doesn't appear he understood though. Thanks bm. Yes I feel just fine Rusty. I haven't been ailing for some time now. Thanks for asking anyway.
  8. I would say with the last four words of your quote above, yours is just as hypothetical.
  9. I've heard that when you get old you can't handle things like you could when you were younger.
  10. Well, for me I just use a regular pair of low cut socks in my Chuck Taylor Converse high tops. Best thing I have ever found for wading creeks. Keeps out all them dang rocks. This will only work if you don't mind getting wet though.
  11. Why would they stock any trout? With C&R there is no loss of life. In a perfect world, we could say that 7500 were saved. That is until Bubba and Joe Bob show up after spending their $20. Now if the fee were like GF stated, well that would make much more since to me, but then who the heck would buy one? Then again though, that would lessen the Bubba factor.
  12. It would be nice if it could work as you are thinking it would Tim. But in my view it would be just to wide open to abuse. Glad you brought this up though, some of the post completly surprised me.
  13. If I'm hitting my mark, I believe he is refering to Marty as in the Wild America show that used to be seen on PBS.
  14. Well I can tell you this, I have never been checked by anyone for anything. And I have been going there for 25 years. My point about this, and you are not seeing at all, is every Bubba and Joe Bob is gonna come out of the hills with your $20 permit and keep stringing them up. But for now when they come to get their 2 or 3 or 5 stringers full they are at least paying $3 a whack to do it. And don't think for a minute it aint happening.
  15. I equate it to something like a $20 season pass that will get you into all the amusement parks in MO. How long would the doors stay open if we all did this? Yeah it is a great deal for us, but there are many hidden amenities that need our $$$ to maintain.
  16. You are paying a fee for the opportunity to fish. Should I get a refund if I don't catch any? How would they police this? At what additional cost so some can fish on the cheap.
  17. Well, I gotta be honest and say that I'm not in favor. What do you think is a fair price? I wouldn't be in favor of fly only. I agree with your point about bait but I like tossing small crankbaits. Should I be excluded?
  18. Looks like a done deal to me. Went by there yesterday and saw the brand new shiny buildings. My question is with all of the operations you see for sale, why doesn't someone buy one already built? Maybe the law should be that all must be in operation before another can be built.
  19. Sorry to hear of your health bm. I, much like you would like to only have "the big one" to bend my rod. But I know of no such place where only the fat boys roam with out some of the new up and comers joining in on the fun of striping a little line. As much as I enjoy latching into a fat one, it has always been and always will be more than just catching a large fish.
  20. I would love to believe you bm, but have yet to see anything near praise. If this heat ain't beating back the boys nothing will. The young'un and I have been doing very well. Nothing huge but high numbers in the creeks. Head on over this way and I will treat you great fishing in a cool creek.
  21. Well, I do have email. I just don't think I would feel right in constantly making accusations about an entity in a public forum then refuse to provide facts all the while enjoying the facilites provided by said entity. So when are we gonna get this fishing trip going?
  22. I think you're starting to crawdad a little bm. If you are going to berate the MDC in a public forum, you should also present your facts in the same forum if asked. Please enlighten me on what you claim to have seen? Surely that is not a secret. The only thing that is obvious is that we differ on this issue.
  23. I have stated on many occasions that I don't agree with everything they do or don't do. But as you have stated yourself, we have as good or better than any other state. Do you think that would be the case if they didn't have the budget they do? Since you have viewed the balance sheets, just how many millions are they profiting after expences every year? Nothing against you personally bm, but if you are going to keep accusing them of ripping us off and profiting millions, I have to ask you to provide some facts.
  24. I don't have a problem with opinions. Now blatantly tossing out accusations is a horse of a different color. It's no secret that you have huge distaste for the MDC, and imo toss out accusations about them like candy for trick or treat. Just an opinion.
  25. Thom and Jobyksu I totally agree with your post. But brownieman is saying that the MDC reaps millions from trout. I don't see where they are and asked him to explain.
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