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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. If all you two want is to know where every last penny went, you ain't gonna get it. Can you say where every penny of yours went last year? Last week? Honestly? If you said yes, I don't believe you. Nothing agaist you personally, I just wouldn't believe you. Plus that ain't all GF is crying about but all he says is he wants them to do a better job. Better at what? Yeah, go ahead and break it down. Obviously all the info posted to you two about where the money is going is not good enough. I don't feel keeping one less trout is some huge scandle. And again with no response I have asked him how we are being duped. I think some just like to gripe just to gripe. If you two have such a dislike for the MDC, then boycott their functions and facilities. That will show them!
  2. I didn't think you knew. I would love to see that shotgun you use that has buckshot that is just a little bit smaller that 2 or 3 oz though. Brilliant thought. I would have nerver thought it. I live and work in the rual area. I see all types of things. What is it you want to show me?
  3. Ha! I ain't hooked on nothing but reality. Yes I am talking about that blog. Do you know why they have banned lead shot in these areas? Or do you believe they are trying to ban hunting? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. There goes more line off the real. I now claim to be an employee of the MDC. See how easy that is. Last I knew there were 900 and some change. There are some areas that have not been opended up yet. GF I have asked you on numerous occasions what it is you want. What more it is you want them to do. You have not answered yet. When you said it takes two sides to have a productive discussion, that also includes you.
  4. Great work Al! I'm glad you took the time to compile that data and post here. I find that to be more useful information than the blog that claims banning lead shot from popular waterfoul hunting areas as the MDC trying to ban hunting.
  5. So where did it say that the dems are trying to take your guns? I actually like what both of them have to say. But gun control is not the meat of this conversation. That is what it has been turned into, but I think we need to get the original topic. That being the MDC. Just to be fair I will state that I am not happy with EVERYTHING they do or in some cases don't do. As we all may or may not know, we have a Prairie Chicken problem. They are in a serious decline. In western Missouri the MDC has in my opinion, numerous CA's that have enough total prairie acreage to support the bird. But they are not managing the CA's in a proper way to encourage prairie chicken populations. For instance Shawnee Trail CA in Barton county. It is almost 4000 acres of what could be suitable habit for the declining bird. But they will not manage for that. There is also Talbot CA. Another of around 4000 acres that if manged correctly could support the bird. But it seems they would rather let farmers farm it and just leave a little around the edges for wildlife food. But as you will read time from time, they say they don't know why the decline. Yet as I have read their mag over the years and even talked with their research scientist, they do know enough to start in slowing or even maybe stopping the decline. But they are now talking about getting birds from other states to release here. Why import birds if you are not, in my opinion, trying to stop the decline of the birds you have. Maybe we should all rent a bus and drive up there and have a talk with them. Hillbilly style!
  6. I don't know where you are getting that they have to buy $100 million worth of land every year. How much land would they own from 1976 to now? They do have these access'. And they have a lot of them. I won't say that they have them at every area, but they do have large amount of them. So all you have to go on is rumors? I think that has been the main fuel in this whole thread. I'm just as a proud, gun toting American as anyone, but I also don't believe everything I read in the NRA mag. You got the point just fine. I don't buy into you non biased political affiliation though.
  7. So you are stating that little or no land has been added since 1976? Well, should we start paving trails all over the CA's? What is it you want? Can you show me where one democrat has called for a total ban on firearms? I believe the only mention of any firearms ban is for assult rifles? Do you of anyone using one of those for hunting? Every heard of the Brady Bill? What political affiliation got that going and passed? I didn't read it that way. I don't see that the MDC is supporting the lumber industry. I may be reading it wrong and if I am please point it out.
  8. I guess you forgot about this post? Every so often they will print in the mothly mag where the money goes. A few years ago (this century) they stated that they donated in the Millions that went to the Republicans. Nothing as I recall to the other team.
  9. What are you talking about? What more do you want? If I fished or hunted a new MDC CA every day of the year it would take me about 3 years to hit them all. I for one am glad they don't manicure them like a golf course as some here have complained about. That keeps out all the people that don't want to do a little work at getting to the sweet spot. Do you have any idea what the cost of research is? Facility maintenance? Donations to the republican party? Yeah. Look that one up. I'm not sure what you are trying to say here? I will agree in that a former director (Jerry somebody) got into bed with the timber industry and tried to sell or lease a large amount of forest for clear cutting. Thankfully it didn't happen. And strange enough, he stepped down and retired only to be hired on by a large lumber company doing biz in Missouri.
  10. More land was added to Columbia Bottoms at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi a year or two ago. And yep, you can use it all you want. There is also a new vistor center being built at Joplin Mo. The MDC bought about 30 acres of chert glades. IIRC that is about half of what is left in the state of Missouri. Glad they protected it. Thanks MDC. You ever read Larry Dablemont's column? He is another one that loves the benefits and makes his living from the accomplishments of the MDC but has a very noticeable disdain for them.
  11. You keep saying that the limit doesn't bother you , yet you keep bringing it up? Why? How were we duped? Another thing, it did not take the MDC 30 years to figure out about clearing fence rows. It has taken 30 years for land owners to realize their faults. What creative ways are they getting into our pockets? What does their money earnings have to do with fishing limits?
  12. Are you kidding? How many people do you think are buying $1000 rods? Tell you what, run down to your local Bait & Tackle store and ask them how many high dollar rods they sell to high end users compared to $20 or $30 combos sold to everyday Joe's and family. Also ask about how many dozens of worms are sold? How many tons of lead in the form of sinkers are sold? Bobbers? Hooks? Catfish bait? Beer? I think there is a lot more being spent than one realizes
  13. Hey, did you make it to Capp's the other day?
  14. I don't believe I have ever had Coke in my gut for 5 days. Thats an awful long time to hole your pee. Keeping this on an outdoor theme, I prefer Wild Turkey. If Coke is not available, well, then, I will just have to fly solo.
  15. Nothing has been changed, it has always been that way. I don't know of any law protecting non-native species. Except species that have been introduced as a game species ie Trout, Ringneck Pheasants and the like.
  16. I got my response today. Here it is copy and pasted from my email. Hi, You are correct. Starlings are not protected by the feds or state. You can shoot, trap, poison, etc. them in any numbers at any time. If there is any truth to the story it might be that they were discharging firearms in a restricted area or more likely they killing other protected species as well. They were not fined for killing starlings. Happy shooting!
  17. Well are you ready to break that sucker in on some trout? Looks like Jshade is ready. I went there today and water was just getting clear enough you could start making out the bottom. I got 2 and missed 2. Had 2 chaser's. My son caught 1. It was odd. Didn't start fishing until about 1230. Nothing for the first 15-20 minutes. Then BAM! they went nuts for about 15 minutes and then dead silence. Left about 2:00. Nice fish though. All in the 12-14 inch range.
  18. How did you know? Have you been there? There was hollar twixed our house and town. So to get to town you had to go down in the hollar and then back up the other side. Then he same thing going home. Do you smell something?
  19. They make a thing that hangs from your hanger and then the feeder hangs from it. You fill it with water and the ants stay out. I forget the name of it but its not very big, maybe 2 or 3 inches long and holds about a 1/4 cup of water or so. Works like a charm. You should be able to get them at the farm store or walmart.
  20. Well, sorta. One neighbor had a TV. The other had a telephone and we had an electric refridgerator. Then when I was about 14 an fancy neighbor moved in our way from the big city. They had a car. No more walking to town on Saturday after choring was done.
  21. Ohh yeah! Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom came on every Sunday night right before Disney. Marlin Perkins and I have the same home town. Don't forget HEE HAW. Even though I really enjoyed that show, I get an even bigger kick out of now that I understand what they are talking about!!!!
  22. Yeah, I like Disney movies. All the ones they made back in the 60's and 70's. What was that one with the 2 dogs and a cat trying to get back home? Homeward bound??? Anyway I have always been amazed at the scene where the bobcat is chasing the cat. THAT is some great action. I would love to see some behind the scenes film on how they got those felines to cooperate.
  23. I still have 4 of them hanging around my house. Mine are coming around very late evening. Sun is down but still light.
  24. Terry, I don't know what the heck you are smoking, but I do know that I want some and a bus ticket to Nashville.
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