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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. Well, here is how I interpret that law. A police officer is a Criminal Justice Official. If he is on duty, he acting in official capacity. To me, even if he was off duty, in a criminal case such as this, he would be acting in his official capacity. This case would certainly qualify for criminal justice purposes. That is just the way I see it. I think I can see us butting heads on this too though. LOL!!!
  2. Well, you may well be right. But He ain't looking for a pretty girl. he his looking for someone who stole from him. Huge difference. Are you and SillyMallard trying to tell me that if I get the tags from a car that has committed a felony that it is illegal to run the tags? Can you qoute me this statute?
  3. I would like to thank you all for contributing to this. It has been a great debate for us all.
  4. Well, y'all didn't miss out on much. Did manage to get 3 from the old bridge to just below the new one. Up around the mill I waded out and noticed a disturbing amount of large crawdad carcasses. Not sure yet as to what is up with this. No other size but the largest. And no these are not sheds. BTW, what a beautiful event that is. Not many humans have witnessed the event of crawdads shedding. I can still remember the first one I saw. My dad and I were getting softshells one night on Spring River at the dam in Carthage. I must have been all of 7 years old. I remember it seemed like it took for ever, but if you blinked it was over. My kids 5 and 7 at the time got to see this last year on Cedar Creek in Newton County. When my wife and I were just dating I took her out to see one. Boy was she thrilled. Still can't shut up about to this day. (OK, so I made up the last sentence)
  5. I got the first one to pop up, but the second one say out of service.
  6. The water looks great right now. It as a perfect flow. Just right in my opinion. Running just shy of Gin clear. But close enough. Since some heavy rains lately, some of my old holes have cleared up nicely. The part that we cleaned is still looking good. If you head up this way give me a holler. I stopped by there today and saw the most beautiful 13-14 inch trout you have ever seen. I was fishing a piece of the creek that last year you couldn't because of low water conditions. He followed what I was using right to me and took one swipe but missed. And let me tell you when he turned, you couldn't have used a magic marker to put any brighter color on him. It was the most brilliant colors I have ever seen. Just absolutely magnificent.
  7. OH, thats funny. IIRC it happened in NYC or somewhere in that part of the country. I think it was a load of Krispy Kreams that was for a fund raiser. I do remember it was for a fund raiser.
  8. What is the difference in going to the courthouse to find out who owns any piece of property in the county? A car is property is it not? Plates are run all the time with out a person getting pulled over. There is nothing illeagle that I know of in having a plate ran. I think maybe we just better agree to disagree on this issue. But I will say it is being done more than you may think. MrDucky- If you have officers that regularly come into one of your stores just ask if he can run it for you. Should not be any problem. Criminal background checks and driving records are a total different beast than what we are talking about. All he wants is who owns the car. The rest can be done by the DA.
  9. Good grief, all I was try to point out was that according to the test that I heard of on the radio was that there was not huge difference in milage vs. the two options. Then all of the sudden the scientist start popping out from everywhere! LOL!!!!! Now those numbers I gave you? I have no freaking idea if they are correct. But I think they are some where in the neighborhood. Not to worry though Terry, I slept just fine last night. I think you did have an effect on my fishing today. I only got two at Jolly Mill today.
  10. The latest issue of Missouri Game and Fish has a write up on the 11 Point featuring Brian Sloss. Nice job Brian. I would recommend getting a copy if you are looking to hit this spot this year and have never been there.
  11. Did you see on the news here a while back those kids that stole a loaded donut truck? No kidding it really happend! They had every law enforcement officer chasing this truck. I think they got the electric chair.
  12. Running a plate will not give you someone's driving record. It will show who is the registered owner of the vehicle. Well, I should say who owns the plate. That is why I asked for a description of the car also. I can't access this info myself, but I do have some "connections"(don't you just love that word) that can get it for me. It may take me a few days. But should be able to get it done. Now as for everything else in you post, I agree 100%! It sucks that the clerks have to pay for this, but that is the way it has always been done. Not that that is an excuse for the owners. To me theft is theft and that is what the police are hired to take care of. Where is it written that there must be a certain dollar amount?
  13. I think I'll head over that way today. If you see a blue Ford Ranger in the area and two kids around, It'll be me. Feel free to walk right up and strike up a conversations. I thinking I may be there around 10:00 or so.
  14. Took the youngun's to Hickory Creek yesterday before the storm. Got in about an 25 minutes of fishing before the rain. Didn't get anything. The water is still running a little high but clear. Went back after the storm and caught one bass in the neighborhood of 11 to 12 inches up by the ballbark. Also missed one and caught one trout in the 12 inch range near the soccer field.
  15. PM me the plate # and a decription of the car. I think I can help you.
  16. Apparently some of you didn't read what I originally wrote. Look again at the quote above and you SHOULD read where they used a full tank of fuel on each test until it ran dry. Meaning that it would be well more than 7 or 20 or whatever numbers you came up with. The track was a one mile track. Each test was over 300 laps at the same constant speed. But one test was 2 laps more than the other. IIRC the speed was 60mph and it was in the neighborhood of 365 laps. But don't quote me, its been a a couple of years while I was driving down the road. I'm starting to see why some of us are having trouble with a fish.
  17. The test with the windows down went about an additional 2 miles on a tank of gas. Not 2 miles per gallon, just 2 miles. Well of course. In town driving equates to stop and go driving. It has an effect on brakes more than hiway driving too. Its not so much the lower speed. Actually, if it wasn't for all of the stopping and taking off again, city driving would use less gas. Lower speeds = less RPM's = less fuel consumtion.
  18. I heard on a respectable radio program a couple of years that they did a test on the rumor of running the AC vs. having the windows down and which had the least gas consumption. On this test they used the same car at a local NASCAR track. What they did was put the same amout of fuel in tank for each test. Then with the windows down they ran the car at the same speed around the track until the car ran out of gas. Then they filled her up witht he same amount of gas and ran it around the track with the AC on until it ran out of gas. I was surprised at the results. I would have bet that the test with the windows down would have got a lot better milage than the AC test. But in the end there was only 1.5 or 2 laps difference. IIRC.
  19. You bet they are affecting me. I have slowed my driving way down. I don't use the big slab unless I have to. I have started using the old hiways again though it may take a few minutes longer, it saves me a butt load of gas. Terry: You are too dang funny!!
  20. Heck at one time or another, I have caught a cat on about anything you thought about throwing. I have got some pretty nice ones under willow trees when the mayfly's are hatching. Nasty critters? If they get more than 1 pound I don't eat them. Now 1 pound and down, that is some good grilling! I told you, you were missing out.
  21. When are we gonna do some cat fishing? I make my own dough bait. I used to use blood bait, but you can't get the good stuff anymore. Used to go to the lower end of Elk River and fish the brush piles. You could spend the whole day fishing just one or two of them. What are your restricted set of options?
  22. You sure are missing out on some good fishing. On the other hand, the last part of that sentence explains why you have not caught fish only 3 times in your life.
  23. I forgot to add a couple of things. I have to come clean on something. Way back in the early 80's I did try some velveeta once. I did so on the advice of a "resident expert". I only did it by the dam. I am ashamed of myself for doing that and this is the first time that I have admitted it publicly. So there. Now you have it. I said it. Do you have anything you would like to admit to????? Next time you are heading over to Capp's, give me a holler.
  24. Oh now that is rich! Actually there are 4 food groups that you should be concerned with. The fourth being snails. I have kept maybe a couple dozen trout over 20+ years of fishing for them and the ones at Capp's(and another creek in SW Mo) love snails. Is trout about the only species you fish for?
  25. Who are you trying to kid? Just stick to the 5 basic food groups for trout. Crawdads, minners, cheese(velveeta only), corn, and power bait! OK so I don't know about the last 3, but have heard of great results on them, but the first two will work every time if used correctly. Leave out all of that # whatever size of _________(fill in the blank) But I wouldn't listen to me. I have been skunked more than twice in my life. Chief Grey Bear
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