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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I received this reply to my question from Oklahoma fish and game. You must have the landowner's permission to wade in the river or to be on the banks. The landowner owns the riverbed. You may float in a boat on the water if it navigatable waters only. There are no riparian rights. Capt. David Deckard Law Enforcement Division Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
  2. I strictly wade fish here in my part of the world. I live in Arkansas, but fish in Oklahoma and Missouri as well. What are the laws concerning tresspassing or not tresspassing when walking a river and its boundaries. I was told in Missouri, that once you legally enter the river you may walk anywhere as long is it is in the natural river boundary or flood plain. Im not sure about Oklahoma and Arkansas, I have yet to be able to find a definite answer. Any and all help on this would be helpful, i dont need to be shot at!
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