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Bad cast

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About Bad cast

  • Birthday 11/24/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Clair Mo.
  • Interests
    Fishing,Hunting, camping,Golf, & Woodworking

Bad cast's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. Thanks Danoinark, I use a Nikon D90 with a 70-300mm lens. Randy
  2. I've been watching birds drink and bathe on this sprinkler at Lilleys'all week. Fun to watch. Randy
  3. I was thinking the same thing Dave. Here's a before and after shot of the dock. These guys were fast.
  4. While staying at Lilleys' Landing this week I had the chance to take a few shots of the dock construction or destruction. They cut and put back together in 2 days. This was a shot of one of the hands with a cutting torch I thought was cool. Randy
  5. Guess Ill have it to myself.
  6. I'm bringing the family and a couple of teenage neices who have never been down there before. Not bringing the boat so I hope the fishing is good or even fair of the dock. I'm sure they won't last long in the cold but catch a few anyway. Most of their time will be spent texting, shopping, and S D City. Hopefully Uncle Randy will get a little time. I've never been down past Oct. is powerbait still working off the dock this time of year or micro jigs. I'll tie a few more up before we leave, any hot colors and is 2 lb still best or 4 lb ok for spinning. Randy PS any teenage boys gonna be there fishing, I know I can getm down to the dock then
  7. Thanks Rolan, another great tip.
  8. Thanks for the tips guys, the 6/0 thread held the marabou tighter to the hook and preasure from thumbnail kept the thread from sliding down the hook. Jigs are much better now at least to my eye.Here's a pic. thanks again Randy
  9. Thanks for the help guys, I've been using danvilles 210 for my jigs because I thought 6/0 would not hold up but I'll give it a try. Randy
  10. Yep CMC is where he went. Small world Randall. My son said he working with he dad, I haven't seen Mat for acouple years.
  11. Thanks for the tip. Randy
  12. I don't know if this is the right forum but I know alot of you guys tie your own. I have tied flies and crappie jigs for years but having trouble tying trout jigs. Is there a trick to keeping the collar small. I,ve tried the Pinch and the whole feather then trim still big and ugly. Maybe Im a little anal, they still catch fish but they are ugly. Any suggestions. One thing I've noticed most of the jigs I see at Phil's place are tied with round head jigs, and I use ball head jigs. Also my collars are to long, not to fat. I want a shorter segment from head to body. Randy
  13. Thanks Phil, guess I was looking in the wrong place. Next week were comming down to your place and I wanted to take the family for a boat ride down stream. I forgot about the map you give out. Randy
  14. Anybody know a web site or place to get a map for lower taney, not a topo but one with all the access points and creeks. Randy
  15. Thanks for the help. Great idea for the eyes. Randy
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