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Everything posted by Pup

  1. Hi Creek Wader, I hope that these responses answer your questions. BTW, I think your jigs look good. The fish will, too. Two inches long. These are Arkie Baby Craws (Soft Craw). You can order them from Arkie. I bought them at a local Wal-Mart. I think each bag is a ten pack for maybe around $1.50. I used Lion Brand Fun Fur (Yarn). There are many brands of yarns that will work. I like to use combinations of them as well. Pup
  2. Wow! Thank you for the compliments. I'll have to review this thread later this weekend in order to reply to the questions asked. Concerning the Hula Grub or Chompers style, this is my first attempt which weighs about 1/4 oz. Have a good weekend. Pup
  3. I like to target river fish with those. Preferably, smallmouth bass. But, green bass are more than welcome. Jig tying is really a very rewarding hobby to me. The darter-headed jigs are those I use for a fishing method known as the float-n-fly technique. Here's a few more jigs from my cache. Thank you for the welcome. Pup
  4. Hi there, I live in Indianapolis, IN. Grew up some in Lawrence, KS where my Dad worked at KU. During the fall, we'd occasionally head down to Cassville to spend some time at Roaring River State Park to do a little fishing for rainbows. Tried fly fishing there, but always seemed to wind up with a spinning rod in hand and floated a few trout worms. Would very much like to get back to MO sometime to fish a few places. I like to tie jigs for bass. It seems like I do more tying than fishing anymore. Funny how that worked out. Here's a few thumbnail photos of my ties. Left-click over them for a larger view. I really like what I've seen so far of this site, especially the jig photos. Have a good day. Pup
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