It's that time of year again, and the trout of Crane Creek are starting their spawn. I always like to take the opportunity this time of year to use this forum to remind people how important it is to watch where you are stepping when fishing Crane. If you must cross the creek or have to get in the water, please be aware of light oval shaped patches of gravel in the stream bed. These are trout nests, also called redds, and likely contain hundreds of fertilized trout eggs. They will usually be located in the shallow water at the tailouts of the pools. Also, if you observe fish actively fanning or guarding a nest, LEAVE THEM ALONE. Let them do their thing so they can repopulate.
With that said, I had the opportunity to fish the lower access and also the city park area this past Sunday. I was hoping that the recent rains would have brought the creek up a little, but the creek was even lower than my last visit two weeks ago. I brought six very small parr to hand at the lower access and two in the city park. I hung around after the sun went down and was awarded with the rare 20 incher. Not a bad day.