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Everything posted by hooked79

  1. I was there last weekend and two weekends ago and got skunked both times. I've had my best luck at the park during the catch and release season in the winter. Olive wooly buggers usually have worked best. I also spend most of my time on the gravel bar across from the bridge. THere's more room to cast and less people to bump into.
  2. Ok I know that this is a little off the imediate topic but I wanted to share this. Has everyone by now recieved the "Don't buy gas on May 15th" email? Here's my responce and I think that a lot of people are thinking the exact same thing. No offense but this is the dumbest idea in the world. If nobody buys gas on the 15th then there would be twice as many people filling up on the 16th. If I was the gas industry I would lower gas prices on the 15th and then triple them on the 16th when twice as many people have to fill up. People should just make a habit of driving less and only buying cars that get better gas mileage or better yet walk or ride a bike. If we walked more and rode bikes then not only would we be sticking it to the gas companies but we might actually put a dent in the obesity epidemic which in my opinion is a much greater problem in today’s society. I don't mean to sound all preachy and stuff but I think this should be pretty obvious.
  3. You're right about that! I'm still pretty new to the sport but I'm already showing the symptoms!
  4. Thanks for the welcome. You're right about the "spoiled for life" Now I just gotta get my friends "spoiled" too.
  5. Great Forum. I still pretty new to the fly fishing world. I'm mostly self taught. I do however have many years of whitewater kayaking/rafting experience. My friends don't share my love for fishing so I'm hoping to meet some people here that would be interested meeting for float trips. It is much easier to shuttle with another person. I try to go out at least one time each week and I know the MO waterways like the back of my hand.
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