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Bob Gallagher

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Hi all, Got a new Alpha 7/8 in the mail today. Everyone is right. These reels are a nice piece of work. I can't wait to try it on some stripers this spring. Thanks again, Justin Bob
  2. Didn't get the PM, but glad to hear its been shipped. thanks, Bob G
  3. Hi Justin, Can I get an update on my order? Just wondering when I might expect the alpha 7/8. tnx Bob G motohead@mchsi.com
  4. Thanks for the responses, guys. I'll check with Bill, but I'm leaning toward the Rainshadow at 8wt. In reality the rod will prob get more time on whites and hybrids. Thanks again and tight lines! Bob
  5. Hi gurus. I'm building my second fly rod and I need a little help. I'm building an 8 or 9 wt for stripers. I think thats the weight I want. Norfork Lake is where I'll be fishing most of the time. I've been looking at a Forecast and Rainshadow. I'm fairly new to flyfishing in general and REAL new to rod building. Does a slower action (moderate) throw a bigger fly better than a faster action or does it matter. tnx, all turn 'em back bob
  6. You go, Don! You'll have to cook that sucker up for Chuck. How'd the fishing go on the Red? We fished below the dam on Sat. Did pretty good for a newb. Bob
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