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Everything posted by BransonREALTOR

  1. Yes, this is Wilma. But Ken wants to tie these flies and he said that they have to be easy. He said something about hair not being easy for him. I thought I would ask here. He told me this morning that he has some grasshopper flies coming from a friend in Colorado, but he was afraid they would all be yellow or tan. He said they probably needed to be olive or green. But you guys are saying they should be tan?
  2. I never thought the word REALTOR was so offensive. And I'm new to discussion forums, and doing all of this in my second language. My native language is German. So I miss a lot of subtle things.
  3. My husband found this on a fly fishing blog this morning and showed it to me. I hope it shows up big enough to read it.
  4. Thank you! I think I could do that one. What colors would everyone recommend for catching trout on in Arkansas in September? This will be a great excuse for a trip to Hobby Lobby!
  5. Dave, it is me, Wilma! Bury another statue or something. It's a very tough market right now. And we're in this boat together.
  6. Thank you, Mr. Lilley. I will be happy to answer questions that pertain to real estate matters and things like that. But I do that whether or not I have any financial interest in it. All REALTORS are supposed to do that. It is in our code of ethics. But I did not sign up for fishing websites to find new clients. I signed up to learn more about fly fishing. And I was stunned by the welcome I got at FAOL. My husband said they have very good archives for beginners, so I started there. That was a mistake.
  7. I need some easy to tie grasshopper pattern suggestions, please. I'm going to the White River in Arkansas later this month and want to try the grasshopper fishing John Berry is talking about. But I only began fly fishing in June. And I cannot tie those hairy grasshoppers like Dave's Hopper yet. I need something that works well, but is very simple. Thank you.
  8. I need a very simple fly pattern for grasshoppers, please. I only began fly fishing in June. And I am going to Arkansas to fish this month. Thank you.
  9. I think I should introduce myself after what happened to me on FAOL. Yes, I am a real estate agent in Branson. But that is NOT why I am here. I am here for the same reasons as everyone else: fishing information. I began fly fishing in June. My husband has fly fished since I've known him. I'm having a great time and learning every time I go. But, when I tried to answer a question on FAOL the other day about retirement destinations outside of the USA, I was verbally abused and run off for soliciting real estate sales. Ummm...I don't have a license in Argentina, Chile, or New Zealand! Some guys thought I was trying to recommend Branson just because it's in my username. But they never got a chance to realize what a ridiculous assumption that was. My first post said, "...but I don't want to ruin the place before we get there." So that made it pretty clear that I wasn't talking about Branson. I've been here for over a decade. And my profile said where I live right on my posts. Those people were mean and rude. Thankfully, all of the fly fishermen and women my husband has introduced me to here in the Ozarks have been very nice, supportive, and helpful. But I wanted to avoid any misunderstandings here like I had with the mean people at FAOL. If you do want to talk real estate with me, please send me a private message. I do have references from clients who are regulars here. But I am not here to talk about business. Thank you.
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