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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. No I didn't, after getting back from Taney at 9:30 Sat. morning and not getting any sleep except for a nap Sat. afternoon for about an hour, I was very lazy Sun.
  2. Toga,Toga,Toga......BTW the water WILL BE OFF
  3. This has kept me alive for years. (No not Mountain Dew and Funyuns) Can of spam in the back pocket Opps, I'm signed in under Jshade(I guess you can see what we do at work) duckydoty
  4. That's horrible, I'm never goin back, except for fri.
  5. I caught 2 fish
  6. Some Jazz would be nice, looks like I'll be down on Fri. also. look forward to meeting some others on this board
  7. Will be on Taney on Fri. night, But really thinking about hitting Capps on Sun. anyone else up for Sun.
  8. It didn't work, He stayed home and worked
  9. Nice pic Terry, that's the camping spot I always try to get, just out of frame to the right of that pic.
  10. I thought it would get some mention on here, It was one of the things that kept me sane when I first moved to Mo. Really,though, Doesn't bother me a bit if it's not talked about
  11. I like Capps, Alot, I'm in
  12. Spring river Ar. stay at Riverside and do the 5 mile float back to camp. Spend alot of time on the other side of the hatchery at the float putin. and also just upstream of the campground. Riverside is a nice campground for families. And the more rowdy stuff that happens on the Spring River, generally is futher downstream from the campground.
  13. you leavin Durango Co. I love that area of the country, gotta do what ya gotta do
  14. Hey ducky, wanna go fishin
  15. I really expected to see thread for this little gem. I make it up to Waynesville about once a week, who else is up for it?
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