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Everything posted by RaMar

  2. My tournament partner was transfered to Alabama for work and I am looking for a new one to fish Pomme. AIA is my favorite circuit but I will fish most any event. I have a boat and know the lake fairly well. I have done well over the years with a couple of wins in AIA and a division title. The people on this forum seem to be nice and know a few things about the lake so I figured I would give this a try. Let me know if anyone is interested.
  3. What is wrong with you keeping bass! If you want fish to eat catch crappie or walleye they taste much better.
  4. Have not been able to get out so I don't have any updates. Fish shallow where you can get to the bank, spinnerbaits and jigs. Sorry can't help more. RaMar
  5. What tournament are you fishing? The fishing is very tough right now, the fish are spread out due to the high water. I fished anglers in action two weeks ago and finished third with two fish. One weight in I went to this last weekend was won with one fish. I have not fished in about a week but I plan to go out thursday and or friday so check back and I will give you some info then.
  6. Geeze, I know exactly where that spot is in the picture. My hat is off to you, very few people know about it. I caught a 21lb. musky there about 5 or 6 days ago while fishing for bass.
  7. I spend 70+ days on Pomme a year and my observation is that the rudest people are more often than not driving a pontoon or a small fishing boat. These people are also the biggest offenders when it comes to keeping undersized fish and more than their legal limit. This not my opinion but my observation.
  8. First, there has not been a 70 boat tournament at Pomme in 6 or 7 years. Second, there is not huge amounts of dead bass around the weigh-in areas. The biggest problem is with people who can't find any bass on the lake and come to fish the weigh-in areas a day or two after tournaments. Are there too many tournaments on Pomme, yes but the prolems arise from the small club events that do not have the proper equiptment to handle the fish. I have even seen clubs cleaning bass instead of releasing them.
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