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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Wish I had the funds to enter a bid. Hope the winner enjoys it and best wishes to your employee. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
  2. Camping at Greer. Putting in there and floating to either Riverton(sp) or Whiton(sp). Sorry I don't have the spelling correct I'm sure. Would like to do a two day and stop over night at one of the float camps but we will have to see how the weather is. May just end up doing a fish and float Sunday.
  3. WIfe nad I were going to float the 20th as well. Can anyone let me know what the crowd is like now on the 11-point, say like on a sunday around this time of the year. We do not want to go if it is going to be full of crazies. We may wait till Monday depending on the waether. I have read a few posts that make it sound kind of busy and rowdy down there now. It has been 2 years or so since we were there so I am wondering if it has changed.
  4. Thanks. I actually have ventured down that gravel road before but I got the feeling after not going to far down it that it was private or someone's drivway. I'll give it a shot next time down.
  5. Hello, New here, just registered today. I have a question about Parker's Ford. I have been reading about it but can't find it on a river map or in any of my Float Books. Can someone tell me how they get there? Directions from Montauk would be great. I go down to the park about 6 or 8 times a year but normally fish from Baptist down more than I fish in the park. The only spot I drive to is Baptist. The reason I am asking about Parker's Ford is that I am looking for some other spots to try. Any other spots down the Current that are accessible by car would be appreciated.
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