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wacky worm

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Everything posted by wacky worm

  1. it was very cold branches and stumps that are in the water have ice all over them when water splashes on your yak it freezes red and i floated from craig o lee to the heaven on wednesday then we floated from the heaven to low water on thursday it was awesome we saw eagles galore on both days its hard to get close to them they hear and see you way before you do them hey river man the water is clear enough to gig from low water (tressel) up to the heaven let me know if you are coming i will dive down to river ranch and check it out there keep floatin p.s. i cheated i had a heated seat, one you put in microwave its really cool LAVA BUNS russ
  2. here is a couple of shots river fell 6-8 feet in last 18 hours
  3. pineville mo we made it the river is as far up as its been in about three years bella vista there is several trees down be safe remember turn around dont drown russ
  4. will post pics 1-09 the campground is way under water gracies campground under water i saw a bunch of trees down on #4 #5 Kingswood (bella vista) must have had a twister down through there red and jeanie are gonna go take more pics remember turn around dont drown keep safe russ that was one hec of a storm last night
  5. thanks for the kind words i will keep posting i love to tell the story of each float and take pics of the scenery hey lilly thanks so much for the bumperstickers they are awesome that should be on some t-shirts red and i do tye dyes on the side and would like to make some keep in touch russ
  6. jeanie and i floated from the falls the the heaven fun short and sweet keep floating russ
  7. here is a couple pics
  8. im sorry i thought everybody knew where hog heaven is pineville mo WE ARE .5 miles to the east of highway 71 on h highway elk river
  9. Hog Heaven Canoe and Camp New years day float we will be firing up the short bus we plan on floating sometime around 10-11 am any one that mentions the OAF 25% discount dont let the weather stop you from floating red said there is no weather that i wouldnt float in send me a e-mail if you want in p.s.you can fish if you want of course you must obey all the rules and regulations MO STATE or call 417-223-2369 leave message russ
  10. Hog Heaven Canoe and Camp New years day float we will be firing up the short bus we plan on floating sometime around 10-11 am any one that mentions the OAF 25% discount dont let the weather stop you from floating red said there is no weather that i wouldnt float in send me a e-mail if you want in p.s.you can fish if you want of course you must obey all the rules and regulations MO STATE or call 417-223-2369 leave message russ
  11. thursday red and i floated the indian creek from lannagan to low water we had or skirts on and man did we need them good waves, this run is short but oh so sweet sunday red, jeanie and i went from sugar island to the heaven on the big sugar water flow is excellent and it will be crystal clear in a day or two that also is a fun run with a couple of spots or challenges keep floating i will post pics tommorrow russ
  12. that day it was stained from the rain it will take a couple days and it will be back to crystal clear dont let the cold weather stop you from floating red said there is no weather i wouldnt float in russ you guys should come for the new yeas day float
  13. it was a little scary looking at that river red jeanie and i decided to go for it first we had to float across the campground to get to the river and when we got on the river, it was a blast a couple spots had big rollers before low water bridge the rapids were awesome it rained pretty much the hole time we got some teva hats with gore-tex that a supplier gave us these hats i would suggest to anyone they are awesome waterproof and warm see a couple pics russ
  14. awesome shot keep posting the good ones thanks russ
  15. 24 kgold call 417-223-2369 hog heaven canoe and campground see posts in camping see posts in kayak rentals we are 1/2 mile river left from new highway 71 we are open year round we dont have customers but we are open russ
  16. in the last 24-36 hours the river has come up several feet areas of the campground are under water sorry i didnt have my camera when i get home tonight i will take pics and post we plan to float today yes we are crazy we will have life jackets on for sure
  17. we floated sunday evening from heaven to riverside water clear as a bell water should have a little more color where you are going and you should not have a water depth issue happy giggin russ
  18. is this a possible gigging boat do you want to trade for something?
  19. have you got out recently or working too much keep in touch i am ready this spring russ
  20. do they have a tourney for an amatures i would like to do it maybe a couple times tell me you have a flw boat that is sponsored by land of lakes butter that is my favorite one yelo #7 i would love to fish out of that boat great luck to you russ
  21. welcome i read your interests check out posts in elk river if you get down in the pineville area look us up good luck fish on russ
  22. i dont know if i spelled it correctly this was 4 shots photoshopped together this place was unreal we ate breakfast there and it was awesome we had smoked salmon omlets the drive to get to this place was really cool you drive by a bunch of different falls and end up here enjoy if you would like a copy of the high res let me know russ
  23. sorry this shot must be too big any suggestions this is a super cool shot i took a screen shot of it if any wants a copy of the high res let me know russ
  24. i took at least 6 pics standing on the shore my good friend tom photoshopped them together enjoy
  25. i love to fish in texas we go to toledo bend once or twice a year welcome to the forum fish on!!!!!!
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