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wacky worm

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Everything posted by wacky worm

  1. those are cool pics funny some of that stuff is still sitting around the house :D
  2. we dont have a stream team yet but we are gonna do river clean up on sunday 9-13-09 please come help in return you will receive a free boat and free food plus the satisfaction of cleaning up the river also you will get to meet some real nice people in the process please call 417-223-2369 to reserve your free trash truck (canoe) thanks in advance Keep Floating Russ
  3. fished from the heaven to riverside last night by my self without the camera any way caught a bunch on my $15 dollar top water SAMMY they were biting like crazy after the rain elk was slightly up maybe 4 inches see recent pics of nice fish Ken (glory daze) came down caught a rare shoo bass see pic EVERY ONE PLEASE COME DOWN ON SUNDAY 9-13-09 FREE BOATS FREE FOOD RIVER CLEAN UP FUN FUN FUN we have some girl scout troop pitching in to help you can make it tell the ball and chain its for a good cause see you sunday keep floating russ call 417-223-2369 reserve your free trash truck (canoe)
  4. hey there Cal and my self put in at Mt Shira at 5 pm must have just missed you guys we caught a bunch on wackys and tubes last night it was strange i was fishing my new top water SAMMY and had numerous fish either slap it with there tails or jump at it never hooked one of them i quess they were trying to kill it first i dont know i have been floating a yelo buffalo lately hope to see you out there soon keep floating russ aka wacky worm
  5. nobody has made it official but come on down and catch some fish on sunday keep floating russ
  6. wacky worm

    Hog Heaven

    the elk at hh has come up nicely big sugar should be nice maybe minimul draggage havent seen the indian but from lannagan i bet you could float it little sugar i dont know but some of the locals float it no matter what? keep floating russ
  7. thanks guys you all are the best we will make it fun i will supply all the boats and food red and i fished from two sons on down and met a guy named dave that was picking up trash he told us he found three wallets last year and picked up 1000 pounds of cans what about the weekend of 8-29 let me know russ
  8. we have fished the last couple evenings from mt shira to two sons catching some quality fish tubes, wackys and top water are working like crazy if you cant catch fish here now you cant catch fish need to do river clean up bottom is littered bad on this lower section of the elk :angry: see couple good pics keep floating russ
  9. fresh jalapenos bought at a local market topped and cleaned out the more white and seeds you leave the hotter cheddar cheese creme cheese fried up crispy pepper bacon and diced mix cheese and bacon into ball stuff the peppers stand them up in foil packet cook on cool side of the grill keep floating russ
  10. welcome a ton of good stuff here love catching them out of a yak keep floating russ
  11. had a good weekend russ jr was in town and he caught a bunch we couldn't resist taking the pic of the canoe with extra flotation river is low paint and aluminum on the rocks fish still biting like crazy caught some on a hula popper (that was fun) stuffed jalapenos were awesome keep floating Russ
  12. come on down we will make it happen go out and jerk some lips send me a pm or call 479-371-7718 cell phone keep floating russ
  13. we floated from the heaven to riverside fish were biting like crazy we spotted the eagle scotty said it must be a resident eagle better than resident evil see pics keep floating russ
  14. sorry i should have put on the post where i was it was on little sugar a place called the falls duh up river from hog heaven thanks russ
  15. i have a bass boat or cash to trade for decent jet boat thanks russ
  16. took while fishing on wednesday these were the best out of the bunch enjoy russ
  17. we floated on monday with the gusanos workers from bella vista had a blast what a perfect day for floating the river was perfect up slightly from rain and crystal clear i rigged up an umbrella and floated all day in the shade :D quote of the day from jean ann i think i caught more fish than you! :huh: i wonder why i was doing all the paddling and picture taking while she was fishing ;) any way she caught a bunch see pics keep floating russ
  18. we had a busy weekend met some real nice people it makes it nice when you meet cool people made some killer kabobs river is great fishing is outstanding hooked mr big at the falls on thursday see pics get out and float now russ
  19. hey what u been up to and why aint you been down here mr married some dude bought the property next door and said he was gonna open a campground come down soon brother russ
  20. that cloud was so awesome i have a lot more pics if any one want to see let me know russ
  21. we left the heaven around 6:15 last night john was fishing a wacky worm with a curly tail i was fishing a watermelon green gold glitter spiked wacky worm he was catching only small mouth i was catching only large mouth? any way we caught a bunch i would say at least 40 were caught later cal and i switched to chug bugs cal caught 4 or 5 i hooked at least 5 one was mr big but he got off when i tried to turn my camera on see good pics also it must have been a heck of a storm to the east see cloud head shots keep floating russ
  22. danimal and bobby are always welcome at the heaven see you on friday russ
  23. zack come up this weekend see you on friday russ
  24. for your floating pleasure :D we got rafts available :D keep floating russ
  25. happy belated fathers day to everyone my father was my best friend and fishing partner he passed away five years ago on fathers day i miss him dearly we got out and fished during the day on a 6 mile float i was throwing a wacky worm let me tell you the wack is back i caught a whole bunch even with people all over the place sorry no pics to share these fish will hit darn near anything you throw at them the river is perfect now get out and paddle take your father fishing soon
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