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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Randall

  1. i can't see any ecological reason, there are rivers in arkansas that have browns, rainbows, brooks, and cutts all together and the fishing is pretty good from what i've heard
  2. i caught a few like that the last time i was down i think it would be nice to have cutthroat and brooks in taney, i haven't ever caught either and i'd like to
  3. hey thanks for the help, i appreciate it
  4. i have nothing against big business... large corporations are testament to the quality of their products or service. if one business can provide superb service and a quality product, then it deserves to grow, expand, and turn a greater profit. they should not, however be given any kind of tax break or grant that is not needed or provided to all businesses, regardless of size. as for fox's example about sports teams recieving tax dollars, that makes me see red. athletes are paid a ridiculous amount of money to play a game. to support their salaries, people that actually WORK for a living are asked to pay more and more each year for seats, food, and drinks. now, on top of that, some organizations are recieving tax payer dollars to build new stadiums. the new busch stadium is a prime example... the cardinals, who are my team, had a perfectly good stadium, but they wanted a new one, so what happens, st. louis subsidizes the building of an un-needed new facility... R I D I C U L O U S
  5. sounds like a hell of a day... maramec is usually a ball in the winter... i stopped off there on my way to taney the week before christmas and hooked into a monster rainbow. the smaller guys bite well too.
  6. i've been wanting a new reel for a while now, but i need some input before i decide what to do. right now, i have a sage model 106 that i've had for about a decade now. its loud enough to drive me nuts, and doesn't have adjustable drag. i have a tight budget- $125-130 at most. i've been looking at the orvis battenkill mid arbor, but i haven't ever seen (or heard) one in action. i was wondering if anybody had anything to say about it, or any other reel in the same price range.
  7. whats wrong with a zebra midge? i can understand why you wouldn't be caught with the beadhead thing, but why not the midge?
  8. WOOO HOOO its great to see cabelas coming to missouri... that said, 5 million from the city seems kind of ridiculous. why should local taxpayers foot the bill for a large corporation to come to the city, regardless of the increased revenue from the business? besides that, does the city give similar grants to small businesses? i think its wonderful that cabelas is coming, but i think they should have to provide all of the capital, seeing as how the only reason they are coming is to turn a profit for themselves. in a capitalist economy, the primary goal is to turn a profit and beat the competition, not provide jobs and increase tax revenue for a certain area.
  9. i haven't seen any billboards like that, but it is a little offensive. i really don't see where people get off trying to pass animal rights and tell us how wrong and inhumane hunting and fishing are. if anybody has watched the national geographic channel, they know how predatory animals treat their prey. i promise you that when i harvest game animals, and the occasional fish, they feel much less pain than the deer brought down by a pack of wolves. as for catch and release, as long as the fish is treated gently and released in good health, i don't see problem... it'll take the same bait/lure/fly again, i've seen it happen all an animal rights activist is is a misguided fool that needs to get in touch with reality and grow a brain. one more thing, i would be willing to bet that a good portion of those people have pets. how can they preach to us when they have no problem tearing an infant animal away from its mother and placing it in a foreign environment?
  10. if they are, you should be able to find em at www.mdc.mo.gov
  11. Randall

    Trout for the table

    i was thinking the same thing, but if a person isn't really good att filleting, gutting them first might make it easier cut the meat out without making a huge mess.
  12. some peoples kids... i swear you'd think they could find something more productive to do like.......... drink bleach
  13. Howdy My name is Randall Barron, i'm a junior up here at Central Methodist University. If you have any idea where that is, then you've either played sports at a small college or know about the spec-freakin-tacular hunting we have around here. I've been fly fishing for about 6 months now after first being introduced a little over 10 years ago. I still have little success outside the parks and taneycomo, but i'm getting better. I hope to learn a little more by getting on here, and meet a few people while i'm at it. Well, i'll be on here fairly often, so i'll get to know some of you. Maybe I'll run into a couple people from here on the water... i'll be the tall skinny guy in the dirty blue and yellow corona hat, feel free to say hi.
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