i have nothing against big business... large corporations are testament to the quality of their products or service. if one business can provide superb service and a quality product, then it deserves to grow, expand, and turn a greater profit. they should not, however be given any kind of tax break or grant that is not needed or provided to all businesses, regardless of size.
as for fox's example about sports teams recieving tax dollars, that makes me see red. athletes are paid a ridiculous amount of money to play a game. to support their salaries, people that actually WORK for a living are asked to pay more and more each year for seats, food, and drinks. now, on top of that, some organizations are recieving tax payer dollars to build new stadiums. the new busch stadium is a prime example... the cardinals, who are my team, had a perfectly good stadium, but they wanted a new one, so what happens, st. louis subsidizes the building of an un-needed new facility... R I D I C U L O U S