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Everything posted by snkcstutz

  1. We have tried the double jigging as well as fishing deeper around the cover. I am guessing maybe its just this weather. I figure it should get lots better by next weekend with these projected warmer temps.
  2. Just curious if anyone is doing any good in cape fair area fishing for crappie? We went again yesterday and caught 1. We have been throwing 1/16 oz with swimming minnows about every color, in 8-10 feet, and nothing. Appreciate any feedback. Just curious as well, is anybody catching them with live minnows yet??
  3. Guys, Thanks for the info! Hopefully this weekend will make for some better fishing for some of us . Got all these buddies catching all kinds of fish, and we have struggled. I think we have thrown every color of swimming minnows, and size. Think we will try the Cape area again. Good luck!
  4. Duckystripe- you made mention to Bobby Garland Bait Company. What is the webpage to view these minnows online. I have had trouble locating it. Thanks! Shane
  5. No luck here. We tried on Saturday which was our first time out this year and we only caught 3. Tried swimming minnows, jigs,pretty much everything but dynamite. What color swimming minnow were they hitting and what size jig?
  6. I just wanted to say hello to everyone as I am new to this site. I have lived here in Spfld all my life and have fished quite a bit until last few years. I have two boys 7 and 4 who take up alot of my spare time with sports, but they do seem to have a love for the outdoors (enjoy spending time with Dad). So this past year I did get a new boat so I could take them along with me and the crew. I like to do lots of bowfishing, crappie, bass, walleye, pretty much whatever I can bring in the boat. I have not been out this year but am very anxious. Have read lots of the messages everyones posted and this looks to be an awesome way of communicating. Any fishing reports I have I will share with everyone. Good luck! Shane Amstutz
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