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Steer clear of any Brooklyn dealers ...... 90% of them offer the lowest prices but then try and gouge you on the accessories .... and if you don't buy then suddenly that camera you wanted isn't in stock. Heres a list copied from one of the photo sites I read ... Welcome to the "CAMERA DEALER FEEDBACK" forum. I went through the threads in the Dealer Feedback Forum and compiled two lists of sites. One that members have had problems with and also a list that they have had good dealings with. Use it for what it's worth. It is also recommended to check with http://www.resellerratings.com/topstores.pl if you have a site that is not on the list and see how the site you are interested in is rated. Any address in Brooklyn, New York is recommended to stay clear of per members comments. Feel free to post new recommended sites or sites to avoid in this thread or in a new one of your own for either list and I will check them out and keep the list updated as needed, Jeff RECOMMENDED SITES that members are happy with Adorama B&H Camera Beach camera Buydig Canmeta Canoga Camera Hunt's Photo & Video Normancamera One Call Newegg Sites that members HAVE HAD PROBLEMS WITH and are NOT RECOMMENDED 1 Stop Camera & Computers 1 Stop Camera & Electronics 1wayphoto 4U Digital A&M photo World Abe's Ace Photo Digital Banana Boat Camera Best Price Camera Best Stop Camera Broadway photo C.I.S. Brokerage Inc. C.I.S. Trading System Camera City, Inc. CCI camera city CCI Camera City Century 21 CIS Brokerage Inc. CityWideDigital.com Crystal International Services Inc. Digital EBuys Digital Liquidaters Digital Net Shop DigitalNerds Enterprise Photo Enterprise Photo.com a.k.a. J&K Camera oid these sites ePhoto Club Expresscameras Exspress Camera filter planet FotoConnection Fotospirit Hello Camera HotBuyElectronics Hotbuyselectronics Infiniti Cameras Infiniti Photo Infinity Cameras Inoax J&K Cameras, Inc. L and T elecronics landtelectronics landtelectronics MilleniumCamera. Mivastyle Mr. Accessory NWV Direct One Stop Camera & Computers Prestge Camera Quest4cameras Regency Camera Regency Photo & Video, Inc. Rite Buys Royal camera Royal Camera Royal Camera, Inc. shopdigitalcorp ShopSunshine Superior Dealz The Camera Source Inc The New Connection The Wiz Store Thecameraprofessionals TVs Depot USA Photo Nation WiseTronics
Woohoo, finally got a break from work today and got a chance to wet a line. It started Sunday afternoon ... after a morning spent at work I decided to go scout out a couple of likely looking spots on Beaver lake. First stop was just off the bridge on route 12 ..... bland, no features showing, no fish showing but it had easy access and parking right at the waters edge so in the book it goes as a possible. Stop number 2 was at Prairie creek park, again it was very bland with no sign of fish and to top it off the only bank access open at the time was between the boat ramp and the swimming area ...ewwww, scratch that one. 3rd stop before home was Horseshoe Bend Park. Following a twisty road (dang I wish I still had an Alfa Romeo) I pull into the park to check the day access .... its pretty much the same deal as at Prairie Creek ....but after further mooching around I found a hidden spot away from the camping that looks promising, easy access, an island to fish too and quite a bit of submerged cover. Fast forward to this morning ...... the alarm makes its bloody noise at the same time as every other day ..... I must be going senile I think ... the first day off in a month and yet I still roll out of bed at 6am. The trucks already loaded, all I need to do is grab my baits and a bunch of diet cokes. Wow its actually pleasant outside .... not exactly warm but after the rain, snow, ice and tornadoes of the last month its nice. Hit the gas station for my coffee and then its off to play on the twisty roads .... wheee, no traffic so i can use the whole road ... fun times. Get out to Horseshoe and unload the gear and get tackled up ..... rod 1 to the right in the channel between the bank and the island, rod 2 right at the island in about 8 feet of water and rod 3 off the island point in about 18 feet of water. Typical baits for me, strawberry boilies in various sizes (pop-ups and bottom baits). As I'm plumbing up to find a spot for the float rod the first problem presents itself ....... hmmmm this beach takes forever to hit the deeper water. At 20 yards I have 3 feet of water under the float, Oh well, I haven't got any really heavy floats here so that will have to do. I finally get settled down and am enjoying the reasonably calm beginning to the day when someone decides they're gonna screw with me. Within the space of about 10 minutes the wind decided to make an appearance.... and boy did it. Between 7am and midday I could have gotten a bloody surfboard for most of the waves (assuming they make a board big enough for my fat butt;) ). I chased my unhooking mat up and down that bank I don't know how many times ..... and at one point chased my holdall with 2 rods in it as well. I tried, I persevered for as long as was possible but by lunch time without a bite (the only noises were the delks going off in the wind) I'd had enough. This spot looks like it will be a better choice once the weather warms up ... there seems to be lots of features for the carp but a lot of the area is pretty shallow. As another aside I have just called my dad back in England and asked him for a carp care parcel which includes some big bodied wagglers and a few drift beater floats ..... look out for me fishing the float at 50 yards sometime soon. I reloaded the truck and headed to look at the other two scouted spots on the lake ....... ya right ... I'm an eternal optimist ... but today the glass wasn't just half empty, the bloody wind was blowing the head off the beer left in the glass too. Sod it, its my day off and I am going to go somewhere and catch something .... so I head North towards Bella Vista lake. Now this is a tiny place compared to Beaver, but to get to the better spots I have to haul my gear a good 3/4s of a mile and me without my trusty tackle truck ...... well no way am I going to hump my gear without a truck so I pull a cheap shot and fish right off the rear car park. The wind is still blowing like crazy but this time I can fish right into it which will help. I get the gear out and tackle up, to rods with boilies and the 3rd with hair rigged corn and the float rod with hi-attract pellets. I couldn't have been sat there for more than 5 minutes than I hear a voice over the shoulder " So what are you up to?". I turn around only to see the local bicycle cop looking at me as though I was from some other planet. After explaining to him that I was fishing for carp he laughed and asked to see my trout permit. Have you ever tried to explain to someone that you have zero interest in catching and keeping trout but actually want to catch and then let go carp .... talk about talking to a brick wall!!!!!. Well as he's starting to get the hump with me because i have no trout pernit the float dips and then shoots away .... bamn I'm in ...... the officer is at this point looking at the bend in the rod and kind of getting the idea that there is no trout on the other end of the line. After a short but sweet fight a little 8lb common is gracing the net and the officer is watching me unhook and release the little guy. "So you really are trying to catch those?" .... yes officer, those are what i am here for and if I happen to catch a trout you can be sure its going right back. With a much friendlier final word he took off pedalling around the lake to check on what everyone else was doing. Between 1ish and 4 ish I managed to bank a grand total of 5 carp up to 14lbs .... 3 to pellets on the float and 2 to a popped up strawberry boilie ( you knew I was gonna say strawberry didn't ya? wink.gif ) The highlight of the day was a double double ....... a little 11lb common on the float gear and a 14lb common to the pop-up rod .... at the same time. I decided that was fun enough to grab a picture of the duo ...so here it is Well by 4pm the wind was again getting to be more trouble than it was worth but I had a final bite before packing up ...... once again it fell to the pellets ... but this was something totally new to me ....... at first i thought I'd caught a little barbel but after looking it just looked similar. I guess its some kind of sucker and after checking against some sucker pictures it appears to be a river rather than lake sucker. This lake does have a creek that runs in at one end and then out at the other, so it is certainly possible .... but finding a good site to identify it properly is being problematic ..... but here is the little critter ... All in all a decent result from what promised to be "one of those days". Now if only I can get a day off again in the next month I'll be off out for another session somewhere.
Saturday was my first chance to get out to the water since moving to AR so with the alarm going loopy at 6am this morning I rolled out of bed and looked at the weather forecast. Supposedly it was going to stay dry and we were having a warm spell (if you can call 50 - 60 warm!). I make a coffee and venture outside ... bloody hell it might be dry but the wind is blowing me all over the place - Bugger 1!. Oh well, its a chance to fish so I'll try it and see. Load the truck (including the newly made backsaver mk1 trolley) and head off to the lake ..... well around 100 yards around the corner before discovering I need gas - Bugger2!. Pull up to the pump and get all set only to discover I'd left my cards on the computer desk while I was buying my AR fishing licence last night -Bugger 3 !! Ok off home, grab the required card, back to the gas station and finally get a tank full. Run inside to grab the mandatory coffee and a couple of candy bars for later only to find they haven't brewed the coffee yet - Bugger 4! Tell the guy behind the desk to get a move on and finally get a coffee to go. Arrive out at the lake ( Bella Vista Lake) to see 6 inch waves rolling down the shoreline -Bugger 5! ...... sod it I'm here now I'm gonna go fish anyways. Load the trolley with all my gear ( why the heck do I carry 7 rods, a rucksack and a carryall I'll never know). Pull the trolley (wheee it works, at least, nothing falls off and I don't run anyone down) the 3/4 mile trip to the spot I'd already picked out last weekend and collapse onto the bedchair for a smoke and that garage coffee ( you didn't forget the coffee did ya ?). Time to get the rods out, I had already spotted some submerged trees off to the left at 20 yards, so one rod dropped just short of them loaded with strawberry flavoured maize. Second rod fired out about 45 yards to the deeper water where a creek runs the legth of the lake ..... thats ones loaded with a 18mm strawberry boillie. 3rd rod crashed out about 70 yards to the narrow part of the lake where the creek runs in ... this one can have a popped up 15mm boillie about 4 inches off the bottom ... oh it was strawberry too ?( see a pattern here?). After getting all the rods on the pod and sorting out the rest of my gear it was time to break out the float rod as well. This was going to be fished in about 6 feet of water right at a small underwater point about 30 feet off the bank ( or that was the plan anyways). I rig a crystal waggler and get settled back to finish my coffee. By now it was about 7-30 and the walkers/runners/human type peeps were beginning to have their daily wander around the lake ... I think I scared most of them but one or two were brave enough to come see what the heck was going on. Around 8-00 the float dipped, dipped again and then disappeared ...... bugger me a bite .... reckon it'll either be a small cat or one of the numerous trout that I'd already see mooching around. Well lo and behold it was a scrappy little carp .... on light float tackle it charged up and down the margins like someone had set a cat on it. Nothing big but its a carp and my mission for the day was to bank one carp, just to prove they were in here. Alas that would be the last fish to fall to the float as the wind was dragging the floats everywhere. My first AR carp, a little 7lb specimen No sooner had I rebait and recast than the 3rd rod on the pod throws a wobbly and a screaming run develops. This was the pop up rod and after a brief but fun tussle another carp graced the banks. This guy went a shade over the 10lb mark so marked my second AR carp with a double and a new AR PB too ....wow ;\) Carp number two to fall to my sneaky ambushes! As the day wore on I banked another smaller fish and 3 more doubles, nothing of any great size but each fish was a deep gold colour with heavy red colouring around the fins and tail. Well by 3pm the wind was actually blowing my hangers off my rod pod. No I'd never seen it happen before but 3 or 4 times I looked over at what I thought was a run only to see the hanger was completely off the pod and blowing like a windmill in the wind. The final score for the day was 1 small carp to hi-attract trout pellets 1 small carp to maize on the bottom 1 double to the boillie on the bottom 3 doubles to the popped up boillie 1 lost fish to my clumsiness ! Heres a final picture when the wind had dropped and the sun was out ..... All in all I was happy with my first venture out, I'd hoped to just prove to myself that there were carp in the water and I guess I did that ... I'm not sure that there is anything of any size in there, after talking to a few locals it appears the lake had been drained to the creek bed all summer and what fish are in there had come in via the creek after refilling. Next trip is a smaller pool, 3/4 of it has never been fished because its actually the end of an airport runway ... but with Euro gear I can cover the unfished areas and see whats there. This weekends trip (Saturday morning) will be at Bentonville city park, Next week will possibly be Beaver lake ..... anyone wanting to swing by is more than welcome to come over and say Hi.
Quick question, from reading online the wiki etc says Lake Bella Vista is also a HOA lake and isn't public .... is the Wiki wrong or is it still a "private" lake ?
Thanks for the info guys, looks like I'll be in Bentonville early next week, then back into fishing a couple of weeks after that. I'll be looking for small local waters to hit initially but trips further afield will be planned and include the waters you suggested. Once I'm settled and found the fish I'd be more than happy to have folks join me on the bank and even happier to get you into chasing those carp
I'm looking for some info on carp fishing locations in the NE area of AR (Bentonville area). A little info from me, An ex-pat English guy currently living just N of Dallas but it looks more than likely I will be moving to Bentonville, AR in the very near future. I've been carp fishing for over 30 years and fish Euro-style with multi rod setups, alarms, rod pod etc. Any and all info appreciated.