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Everything posted by jmerriman

  1. We fished yesterday in Zone 1 and Zone 3, we had as much luck as Friday, not much. My fly box didn't have anything else to offer. Fish took dries, nymphs, streamers, glowballs blah blah blah. If they did take it, it was extremely light. Definitely no fish slamming the flies. I will remember to bring some tiny BWO's next time. And Cricket, thanks again. I will take you up on some more pointers the next Sunday I head down there. John
  2. The wife and I fished some of the Park today. Fished near the campsites, never been there but very nice water. We did well initially and then nothing. We retreated to our normal area, as she says "smoother slower water", below the Holland Dam and we did nothing along with anyone else. Planning on returning tomorrow, Saturday November 29th, wind should be less and light front should be through. Anybody heading down? I need to try some of these "Furballs" John
  3. I need a fix and tomorrow looks like a great day to take a mental health day. Anybody want to go?
  4. Went to the Current on Sunday, and it was HOT! The river flow was great, and the fishing was decent. Like any normal Sunday the canoers were out in force. We did good until about 1:00, even with the boat traffic. Then after lunch til 7:00 not anything. The fish were holed up but they just were not taking anything. Lots of success on cracklebacks in slower water, BH princes with a tailing zebra midge in faster water but couldn't find a streamer to work anywhere, stripping or floating. We saw one hatch (tiny BWO?) early, but just sipping no jumping.
  5. Dennis, We'll, wife kid, and I, be heading down this weekend too. And, I won't get to fish the river either. John
  6. We fished Montauk last Saturday and amazed at the change of river structure. One feature that I am happy is gone is the tree across from the big rock. Unfortunately it was picked cleaned before we got there.
  7. A couple of ???'s... What was working well? Many people there? We haven't been there since the regular season opened. The C&R season was very good to us, lots of fish and very decent sized.
  8. Go to www.reedscabins.com and check out the pictures of water almost over the bridge. We were on our way to the park about 9:00, it had rained all night, and went to check out. Kelly told us the water had just gotten over the bridge and while we were there had started to reach the the road coming in. So of course we had to go look. Although the big "dough bait" holes were empty there were people fishing at the C&R outlet. The water was unreal!
  9. Very flooded as of this morning!!!!
  10. I need a new 5wt rod and was looking at the reviews on this rod. Does anyone have any experience with them? Or suggest an alternative? It does not have to be similarly priced but would like to stay under $400.00. Thanks
  11. Yesterday we got to Baptist and fished about a mile down stream. Between 3 of us we ended the short day with about 20 fish. Browns and rainbows, I did catch a 3 pounder rainbow without any clipped fins (wild maybe?). Walked the length back up and really didn't see or catch anything else. The river was high so the fish didn't need to pool up. All in all for my first time at Baptist and my first brownie I'll rate it as a success and will return! Definitely before the canoe onslaught happens.
  12. Gene K, King Fish has changed his mind but, I'm still going. Want to join us? We're going tomorrow, leaving 5-6 ish be back around dinner time. Looks like we're just going to wade fish. John
  13. TFM, The pool where all the splashing and sipping is really sucks. The fish are everywhere and they won't take hardly anything. A buddy of mine started throwing woolly buggers at them and caught fish. Tried the same technique a week later and nothing! Now I asked Al (he's their entomologist) from Ozark Fly Fishers what they would be eating, he didn't have a clue. He was there yesterday and sucked stomachs and seined and didn't find anything. Been having great luck where you're talking about. SCUDS SCUDS SCUDS and the occasional glow ball in the fast shallows on both sides of the rocks in the middle. Overall though I have been fishing a double scud rig and tearing them up. John
  14. Leaving I-44 and MO-141 around 6:00. Stop in Sullivan for breakfast at Du Kumm In. Then on to the park. Leave whenever.
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