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Everything posted by br549

  1. Have a day off on Tuesday & I'm going to Beaver. Anybody have a report of recent fishing? Whats bringing them up? My most successful rig there has always been a zebra under a renegade & variations of that. I need a day on that water! Bill R
  2. Hey Mallard, Can you give more info on the mower? Mine about did me in today, it's like me. Worn out. BR549
  3. Thanks for starting this thread, I know it will help a lot of people. I am currently "standing in the need of prayer." Working on a tough personnel issue at work and also caught up in some political aspects of that. I'm having a hard time forgiving some, and seeing a way through the mess. I believe that involving others in prayer really helps. Bill
  4. Thanks Ron. With a week to go, I'm going to try to tie "the spoon." I'll let you know how it all comes out! Bill
  5. Thanks for the info guys. Anything more specific on "spoonflies?"
  6. Anybody ever been flyfishing in the Galveston area? I'll be there in 2 weeks and plan to do some sight fishing for reds and specks. I'm tying clousers & seaducers for the trip. Just wondering if anyone has insights or advice.
  7. Anybody interested in a fishpond gore range vest? I bought it last year and it is a great vest. Starting one last round of grad school in the fall & I'm raising every bit of cash I can. Its a $140 vest but I can let it go for $90 or $100. I also have a yakima canoe system for a chevy/gmc pickup that I'm selling. I put about $350 into it & would like to get $300. Post here or send an e-mail to bredinger@sbcglobal.net if anyone is interested.
  8. I have caught them before when I was stripping a small (14-16) soft hackle with a white collar. It tends to look a lot like the cottonwood seeds that blow around. I haven't gone after them but I think that would be fun. I caught one that way at T-como and thought I had a big brown on.
  9. I'm Just a big fan of the James down on that end. I thought that it looked like the patterns were shaping up right. I may look at the Kings side too, another of my favorites! Thanks for the info guys!
  10. Just wondering if anybody has word on whites up toward Galena. I'm off Friday & itching to out after something. Too early? Guess I could scout Turkeys instead.
  11. Nice... I guess I walked (ran) right in to that one. "Thanks we'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses & bar help."
  12. I love to fish off the cardiac hill access but have had limited success there. Will those stockers & escapees run out that far? Anybody have suggestions on flies? I've used the usual MO. flies ( olive bugger, zebra midge, cracklebacks) around there.
  13. When the whites do run the James how far do they typically run?
  14. Hey Phil, I have used your site for years. Before moving back to the Ozarks & since. I love the new forum. Especially appreciate the coverage & conversation re. other waters because I love to crawl the creeks in the summer time for smallie w/ the fly rod. Your site is the defining one for T-como & surrounding waters! Also love your "fishers of men" approach. Keep it up! BR
  15. I wear neoprene gloves w/ the fingers half cut off. They shed some water & let you work while some of the hand is covered. Not perfect, but bearable. Hope that big brown is hungry next weekend. Cheers!
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