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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. We are going to start at the Maumee bright and early Friday morning and pull out at Buffalo Point Sunday morning. Any news or notes on the fishing on this stretch? It seems the water levels are at a very safe level. We are going to take it real slow and concentrate on catching fish and just generally having a good time. Weather forecast looks great, with a small chance of rain Friday afternoon.
  2. Thanks for the tips Dano. It sounds like the water will be more productive past Kyles. That is a good start. I like the 14 mile stretch, that is a good distance for our group. While we are on the topic of the buffalo, do you know of any other websites that have fishing reports for the Buffalo River? I am struggling to really find any in depth fishing info on the river. I find lots of camping and so forth but not much fishing info. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. How far is that run?
  4. Hello all, I am new to the site! I have a friend that lives in NW Arkansas and every year we take a fishing trip somewhere around the area. Two years ago we did the Buffalo in the fall from Tyler Bend to Maumee. Last year we did the Elk's and King's. This spring around May 1st we are going to do the Buffalo again, and I am looking for some opinions. What stretch of the river would be the best fishing spot around May 1st? We are planning on two full days in canoes, and are planning on camping shoreside on the gravel bars. We are not afraid to rough it at all, but we are looking for the best fishing and the least rowing. We would rather do short miles and lots of fishing then lots of rowing. Our original plan was to float the Ponca Wilderness Area to Kyle's. But I am not sure that is the best stretch. Any help would be appreciated, thanks all, and I look forward to gaining soe other tips for my trip. Jeff
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