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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Hopper

  1. I fished two weeks ago and caught two the same size have a pic of one.
  2. Shut down generator this afternoon so I hit the river after work, first time back since Tulsa Fly Fishers"one for the river" in March. Fished at the Simp and Helen Watts area and down about a quarter mile. Water was stained could not see the bottom over 12" deep. Caught several nice bows smallest was 15" largest about 18" and two channel cats all on olive bead head and purple bead head buggers size 10. There were alot of large gar and several stripers in the pool below the stocking tube. Tied on a small olive and white clouser about 1-1/2" long, no stripers but did catch a small channel and one nice bow on it.
  3. Lake level is currently 637.45, top of power pool is 632 and releasing aprox. 7000 CFS, maybe fishable by the holiday weekend without anymore heavy rains.
  4. bobw, have 2001 starcraft sleeps 6, heat, air, three way fridge good condition. I am moving and am willing to sell for $2800.00 worth $4,000.00. If still looking call 918-845-8618. My dad lives in neosho could meet half way I live just north of tulsa. Gregg
  5. Fished Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30 below spring street bridge caught 4 bows 8-12" range and one chub all on sz. 10 olivecone head bugger. Fished back in march, high waters have changed the the stream bed in the 200 yards I fished most of the smaller gravel that was on the bed has been pushed up high on the banks where the high water was. Its a tough creek to fish losts of fly eating trees, like Crane, But if you dont mind the tight cover the fish are there, the bait chuckers cant get to them.
  6. went this evening from 5:30 till 7:45, nothing untill 7:00 then they started hitting,caught three stripers largest 16lbs. (forgot camera this time) using 8wt fly rod and chartruse and white clouser minnow, slow strip about 12" at a time. Waded east bank accross from PSO.
  7. Needless to say not much fishing happened, still a good turnout.
  8. The road is south elwood and the soccer fields are the west bank soccer fields you can look it up on any of the internet maps.
  9. Was up visiting my dad in Neosho over the weekend so decided to hit the water Sunday morning, caught one about 13-14" and one broke me off, was using zug bug with zebra midge dropper on 7x tippet.
  10. Fished south of the power plant, second time fly fishing for stripers, only been fly fishing since last june my sister from California got me addicted when she was back here visiting and went trout fishing in Missouri. Caught four stripers and six white bass. Marked my rod with a paint pen after I got home for reference. Here are some photos.
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