Great pictures Cody!!!!! Looks like ya'll are having some great trips. I went Sunday evening. Put in at Cherokee...good thing I had a buddy with me or I'd have been wet trying to get the boat to float off the trailer. We fished the creeks there close to Cherokee and had a great evening. Caught lots of fish on lots of baits. Seemed like I found better numbers of fish on more gently sloping banks, especially ones that didn't have any visible brush or at least not much. Fish were everywhere, but these areas seemed to be a little better. Got on a good topwater bite about an hour before dark and had a blast with that. Smallies were absolutley going wild over my spook. HItting it four and five times, jumping completely out of the water and not getting hooked. I don't know what the deal was with that unless they were trying to kill it not eat it. I'll prolly try to make another trip this coming sunday afternoon and I will have a day off in the middle of next week to go as well so I'm looking forward to that. Good luck and keep the pics and reports coming. There's alot of us that enjoy them.