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Everything posted by jonboatwilly

  1. Great pictures Cody!!!!! Looks like ya'll are having some great trips. I went Sunday evening. Put in at Cherokee...good thing I had a buddy with me or I'd have been wet trying to get the boat to float off the trailer. We fished the creeks there close to Cherokee and had a great evening. Caught lots of fish on lots of baits. Seemed like I found better numbers of fish on more gently sloping banks, especially ones that didn't have any visible brush or at least not much. Fish were everywhere, but these areas seemed to be a little better. Got on a good topwater bite about an hour before dark and had a blast with that. Smallies were absolutley going wild over my spook. HItting it four and five times, jumping completely out of the water and not getting hooked. I don't know what the deal was with that unless they were trying to kill it not eat it. I'll prolly try to make another trip this coming sunday afternoon and I will have a day off in the middle of next week to go as well so I'm looking forward to that. Good luck and keep the pics and reports coming. There's alot of us that enjoy them. Jonboat
  2. Thanks Cody....I'll let you know how we do. This reminds me of a tournament I fished on Greers in late April about 2004 or 2005. Lots of rain and the lake rose two or three foot almost overnight. We fished all day with almost no success and hindsight being 20/20 we let the stained water bother us. Late in the day we pulled into a pocket in Devil's Fork that was pretty stained but had runoff coming into the back of it. We caught a limit there and ended up doing OK by wiegh-in. This time of year they're eating no matter what's going on around them. Thanks again for the info and good luck with the steering cable problem. Jonboat
  3. Cody or someone else who is more familiar than me.....What does the lake look like since all this rain??? I'm off Saturday and I imagine that the river won't be worth fishin on. I'll prolly try to come to Greers but I wandered how muddy it was. Any help will be appreciated. Jonboat
  4. Thanks Cody.....I'll speak if I see you. I'm in a 20 foot center console Weld Craft Aluminum Boat. OD Green in Color with a 90 hp Honda. Can't miss me. Do the same if you see me. I may hit the lower end on Sunday afternoon. Prolly put in at Cherokee if I do. I'll let you know how we do. Jonboat
  5. Looks like a great week of fishing Cody. I didn't get to go last week any, but the week before (April 5th - April 11th) found me at Greers twice with a good mess of fish both times. We found all species both times except for smallmouths. Still waiting on them. Nearly all the fish we caught then were 1/3 or farther back into the creeks and seemed to be on the channel side if there was one. Crappie were tight to cover those days and all the bass we caught seemed to be in about 10' or less and willing to bite most smallish presentations that we offered. Best I can tell by listening to those who get to go more than me...not much has changed in the last week or so. I may try to go Sunday afternoon or I may go to the river instead. Haven't decided yet. I was wandering what kind of rig you fish out of? I would like to be able to say hello if we meet on the water. Good luck. Jonboat
  6. Does Larry or someone else in the area happen to know what the water temps on Norfork have done in the last few days since this cold snap we've had??? I'm taking my Grandpa fishing tomorrow and we were thinking about coming to Norfork as he's never been on that lake and I've heard some good reports lately. If we did, we'd put in at Quarry Park. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jonboat
  7. I found some largemouth and kentuckies doing the exact same thing as above ie...8-12 feet near channels and caught em' on finesse worms. Thinking about maybe trying to catch a mess of crappie this coming Sat. Any suggestions Cody???? BTW thanks for the consistent reports every so often. It's always nice to kinda know whats going on. Jonboat
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