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Everything posted by rock8888

  1. The info is fixed on the core site. Time Elevation Tailwater Release Generation Date CS/CDT (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (cfs) (mwh) __________________________________________________________________________ 10APR2008 0100 926.67 713.08 14336 227 10APR2008 0200 926.71 713.23 14329 231 10APR2008 0300 926.83 713.44 14386 228 10APR2008 0400 926.85 713.48 14481 229 10APR2008 0500 926.92 713.56 14416 228 10APR2008 0600 927.11 713.55 14347 230 10APR2008 0700 927.16 713.70 14341 229 10APR2008 0800 927.44 713.86 14393 229 10APR2008 0900 927.61 713.89 14356 229 10APR2008 1000 927.79 713.92 14345 229 10APR2008 1100 928.00 713.78 14357 228 10APR2008 1200 928.14 713.81 14356 231 10APR2008 1300 928.29 715.52 14398 227 10APR2008 1400 928.43 717.52 14503 230 10APR2008 1500 928.63 717.89 14583 229 10APR2008 1600 928.79 718.00 14594 228 10APR2008 1700 928.94 718.09 14589 231 10APR2008 1800 929.08 718.13 14576 227 10APR2008 1900 929.25 718.17 14591 230 10APR2008 2000 929.40 718.14 14599 229 10APR2008 2100 929.49 719.31 14572 229 10APR2008 2200 929.49 720.83 14627 229 10APR2008 2300 929.50 721.55 14717 228 10APR2008 2400 930.02 721.84 14716 231 11APR2008 0100 930.23 721.92 14716 227 11APR2008 0200 930.48 721.95 14725 230 11APR2008 0300 930.72 722.08 14717 228 11APR2008 0400 930.92 722.08 14752 230 11APR2008 0500 931.11 722.14 14707 230 11APR2008 0600 931.38 722.17 14718 228 11APR2008 0700 931.60 722.16 14713 ---- 11APR2008 0800 931.75 722.17 14730 ---- 11APR2008 0900 931.94 722.16 14605 ---- 11APR2008 1000 932.03 722.19 14581 ---- 11APR2008 1100 932.27 722.23 14599 ---- 11APR2008 1200 932.48 722.30 14600 ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/plots/Web/tab.htm http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/Repo...ata/Tabrock.htm 09APR2008 2300 926.63 713.44 14339 ---- 09APR2008 2400 926.65 713.44 14351 ---- 10APR2008 0100 926.67 713.08 14336 227 10APR2008 0200 926.71 713.23 14329 231 10APR2008 0300 926.83 713.44 14386 228 10APR2008 0400 926.85 713.48 14481 229 10APR2008 0500 926.92 713.56 14416 228 10APR2008 0600 927.11 713.55 14347 230 10APR2008 0700 927.16 713.70 14341 229 10APR2008 0800 927.44 713.86 14393 229 10APR2008 0900 927.61 713.89 14356 229 10APR2008 1000 927.79 713.92 14345 229 10APR2008 1100 928.00 713.78 14357 228 10APR2008 1200 928.14 713.81 14356 231 10APR2008 1300 928.29 715.52 14398 227 10APR2008 1400 928.43 717.52 14503 230 10APR2008 1500 928.63 717.89 14583 229 10APR2008 1600 928.79 718.00 14594 228 10APR2008 1700 928.94 718.09 14589 231 10APR2008 1800 929.08 718.13 14576 227 10APR2008 1900 929.25 718.17 14591 230 10APR2008 2000 929.40 718.14 14599 229 10APR2008 2100 929.49 719.31 14572 229 10APR2008 2200 929.49 720.83 14627 229 10APR2008 2300 929.49 721.55 14717 228 10APR2008 2400 930.00 721.84 14716 231 11APR2008 0100 930.23 721.92 14716 227 11APR2008 0200 930.48 721.95 14725 230 11APR2008 0300 930.71 722.08 14717 228 11APR2008 0400 930.90 722.08 14752 230 11APR2008 0500 931.11 722.14 14707 230 11APR2008 0600 871.34 715.00 14718 228 11APR2008 0700 871.48 715.00 14713 ---- 11APR2008 0800 871.74 715.00 14730 ---- 11APR2008 0900 871.93 715.00 14605 ----
  3. according to the core the level is now at 871 whereas it was 931 at 6 this morning. Is that even possible?
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