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About craigk

  • Birthday 01/03/1971

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  • Location
    Highland IL

craigk's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. have fun wish my g/f liked fishing
  2. sould we start a pool on how far it moved the boulders that DNR had in the river by campsite 251, i'm betting on tan vat lol And thank you to all who gave updates it made it alot less stessfull on if i should cansel my trip down mon. FISH ON!!!!!!
  3. how long did it take for them to reopen the park in 98?
  4. That Makes Me Feel Much Better !!! I have about 6 trips there planed I don't want to see my favorite park tore-up just a few days before the first time down for the year.
  5. ouch ten foot Could be Real bad for this years season if water got over the hatchery Levee
  6. If i remember right isn't there a flood gage next to the road as one would drive by near the mill, any one know what it go's up to?
  7. Anyone know what level that will flood out the lodge and hactheries? The USGS has the crest at about 9.5 ft at 2pm on tue the 18th
  8. Should we declare it a invation by the fire dept. lol
  9. Anyone going to be there? the more the merrier, I'll most likely be hanging around tan vat or topside depending on the other that are going with me. any reports to what flies they are hitting on would be appreciated.
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