Ha, weird I found this post. I grew up in Licking and, being closer to Montauk than everyone besides campers, spent ALOT of time down there. I caught him once in 2004 on a 18 grey scud that I had tied on from Taney, which everyone thought was weird but he took it and was hook fair, so not really sure but he made a huge flop on my feet and my girlfriend at the time snapped a pic of my almost falling face first in the water. Anyways, long story shot, I didn't get to hold him . Oh well, I guess he has died or they have moved him into the trophy water somewhere below. I caught 2 down there last Sunday with my girlfriend, who left the camera batteries in the car and was going picture crazy with the minks and scenery, that my floppy digital scale registered at 6.1 and 6.7 pounds. Nice fish... got the last picture the batteries had on my trying to get the first one under control to take a pic and get him unhooked. Caught them on a olive 1/32 jig, spinning tackle and 1 lb. test. I love those big sly trout in there. The two last weekend make 11 weighed and measured over 5 pounds that I've actually touched from there since I started fishing it around 2000, I think I was 15 when I caught my first over 5. There are some huge trout tucked back under those logs, just gotta entice them out. Nice fish and hopefully we meet up there sometime. Maybe we can both catch one worth taking a picture of and forget the camera in the car. Good Luck