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Everything posted by brianbarker

  1. If anyone gets a chance to stop and check out that 8 pound monster do so, its amazing to see a smallmouth that huge, even if it is in a tank at bass pro. I've always wondered where she came from and who caught it but now I know.. awesome fish. Makes me want to hit the water every time I see her.
  2. I catch alot more fish and fight alot less crowd at Baptist Camp over Tan Vat. If you decide to try Baptist Camp, either passing up or leaving TanVat, head up the hill and continue on the gravel road that takes you to Tan Vat and you will run into paved road about 1/2 mile past the TanVat turn off. When the pavment starts there is a road that turns off directly to your right and it only goes to the river and the parking lot circles back around taking you back out the same way. It a breath-taking place, you'll want a camera I'm sure. One of my favorite places to fish. The whole stretch to the first shoal is great, I've caught a few keepers there (18 inches with a limit of 1) but I've waded all the way down to Cedar Grove. It takes about 4 hours to wade it and you better leave a vehicle at the other end unless you want to walk back. Its completely natural and peaceful. The most people I ever ran into were probably 5 other waders in 2 miles of river and caught literally hundereds of trout over 10 inches on spinning tackle over the last 3-4 years. It really is a amazing place. You wont regret it. Good luck and watch for the guy in the ripped-up yellow Chevy hat with a green vest. I might make it down if I go home that weekend.
  3. Agreed but huge smallie to say the least. Awesome fish. Thanks for the pic
  4. Ha, weird I found this post. I grew up in Licking and, being closer to Montauk than everyone besides campers, spent ALOT of time down there. I caught him once in 2004 on a 18 grey scud that I had tied on from Taney, which everyone thought was weird but he took it and was hook fair, so not really sure but he made a huge flop on my feet and my girlfriend at the time snapped a pic of my almost falling face first in the water. Anyways, long story shot, I didn't get to hold him . Oh well, I guess he has died or they have moved him into the trophy water somewhere below. I caught 2 down there last Sunday with my girlfriend, who left the camera batteries in the car and was going picture crazy with the minks and scenery, that my floppy digital scale registered at 6.1 and 6.7 pounds. Nice fish... got the last picture the batteries had on my trying to get the first one under control to take a pic and get him unhooked. Caught them on a olive 1/32 jig, spinning tackle and 1 lb. test. I love those big sly trout in there. The two last weekend make 11 weighed and measured over 5 pounds that I've actually touched from there since I started fishing it around 2000, I think I was 15 when I caught my first over 5. There are some huge trout tucked back under those logs, just gotta entice them out. Nice fish and hopefully we meet up there sometime. Maybe we can both catch one worth taking a picture of and forget the camera in the car. Good Luck
  5. Anybody know of any good public accesses close to Springfield that I would catch some whites this spring? I have heard of some places no more than 20 miles out but they weren't from very reliable sources. Would love to find some skinny water whites somewhere close. If anyone knows and needs someone to carry the stringer let me know also, I just moved to Springfield for college and need to find some fishin partners.
  6. I caught a 19 inch smallie at the M Highway bridge last year on a Zara Spook Jr. There are more large smallies in there than alot of people think. Guess thats what I keep going back... because nobody else does. No trout yet, but I plan to go after them a little more this year.
  7. You can get to McDaniels by taking N Grant Ave. Grant Ave runs into the bridge that crosses the lake. It is a few miles outside of Springfield. Bank fishing is allowed only UPSTREAM from the bridge. No fishing is permited on the west side of the bridge. No boats are allowed and there is no boat ramp anyways. The signs at the bridge will describe limits and more information on rules and regulations. Usually the bridge holds a limit or two of crappie and small whites. Usually minnows or jigs can catch them. I usually try to cover both sides of the bridge at diffrent depths untill I catch one. Usually where there's one there more. I personally have seen some channel cats over 10 pounds caught right off of the bridge. No telling what you might catch if the weather and water is right. Good fishin'.
  8. The crappie at McDaniels lake are biting off the bridge finally. I took my girlfriend down there the 10th (Feb). There were about 10 other guys fishing off of the bridge and catching crappie and 2 whites all about 3 foot off the bottom. Some were fishing jigs, white and yellow, but mostly minnows with a #8 hook, 2 bb splitshot. I saw 5 or 6 come out right before dark over 12 inches. Anyone interested better head down there during these warmer days and try some jigs or small cranks, minnows or spinners. They were hitting alittle of everything Monday evening.
  9. If the conditions are right you cam catch a limit of channel cats in the no-boat zone below the only road that crosses it. I have also caught some excellent bass off of the south bank, its really rugged hiking but worth it to fish the trees that have fell off of the hillside. I usually fish a swim jig, football jig, or a 6 1/2-8 inch worm. I have caught a few crappie and small walleye where the water runs under the highway also. Usually on wally marshell crappie cranks and norman crankbaits. Does anyone know about the goggle-eye (rock bass) that are suppost to live in Fellows? I grew up fishing for rock bass and smallmouth in the Gasconade and Big Piney so I'm interested in finding some up here.
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